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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Publicity Is...

One of our recent new booklet authors sent me the following this week. It's the essence of any publicity being better than no publicity. Way to go, Ted! By the way, his booklet about blogging is excellent.
Google, source of all wisdom online, has recently granted me #1 status as "dull person" -- I'm flattered! Yes, a Google of "dull person", returns my blog as the #1 hit. Maybe there is a market for dull? Maybe my next book should be "Dullness for Business" or "What No One Ever Tells You About Why Dullness Rocks" ?? A coaching program to make the dull duller, and the interesting less so . . . ??

Until next time,
Paulette - enjoying the people in my world and sharing them with each other


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Best What??

I had the chance to hear Robert Kyosaki speak today as the keynote at a conference I attended. He's the guy behind "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," and The Cashflow Game - a book I've read and a game I've played. While sharing his background as someone who couldn't spell, couldn't really write, and couldn't do a a few other things, he said he's become a best SELLING author, not a best WRITING author. I've often talked about how marketing is "it." He turned the volume up on that. Marketing leads to selling, and it is about selling, isn't it?

Until next time,
Paulette - valuing confirmation


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

When You're Ready, You're Ready - As Are Your Clients

Today was one of those great days of sharing some of what I know about booklets. It was in the form of a public workshop in midtown Manhattan, good old New York City. I used to live an hour north of New York City for more than a quarter century, and have only been back a few times in the past 11 years since moving to San Diego. I was here two years ago, too, and also presented a workshop. Today was very different than two years ago.

Today included a lot of people who have been clients of mine or subscribers to my ezine for quite awhile. In fact, there wasn't a person in the room, it turns out, who hadn't been following my work for awhile. Some have bought products and/or services from me. Most had not. And not one of them came to the workshop two years ago. It wasn't the right time for them. Today was the right time. And what a grand time it was. There was that magical energy in the room. People were getting ideas or working to grasp things that were not clear yet were somehow appealing. People clamored for each other's business card. It was the right time for each and every person in that room to be there.

This is what happens with your clients and prospects, too. I don't know why none of these people showed up two years ago. Each had their reasons. I don't know why your clients aren't buying today. Each has their reasons. Yet here I am, two years later, making the same offer of a class. I'm two years wiser than I was, which has nothing to do with why these people showed up today. Today it was the right time.

Keep that in mind as best you can when you find yourself in that inevitable moment of frustration when your clients aren't buying. There will be a time that is right for them, when they will buy.

Until next time,
Paulette - happy to visit New York City and happy to go home to San Diego, all at the right time


Friday, May 25, 2007

It's Good Enough - Or Is It?

Fortunately many booklet authors treat their products and themselves with the respect they deserve. Periodically I see examples of false economy in cutting corners. That shows up in either lack of editing, lack of professional graphic layout, or both. It always baffles me, since the content is usually excellent, yet the presentation isn't. One or two more additional steps brings the product to such a higher caliber. Sometimes it's done out of ignorance on the author's part, not realizing that the editing and the layout will often mean the difference between a sale or not. Other times it's out of limited resources, just not having the money at that moment. Whatever the reason, it is and will always be important to have your booklet edited and professionally designed.

For tried and tested resources who are great to work with, see http://www.tipsbooklets.com/index.php?page=vendors.htm
You'll be glad you did.

Until next time,
Paulette - always encouraging excellence


Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Could Have Kicked Myself

That was the title of a colleague's recent newsletter issue. Yes, it captured my attention, just like a post I put here a few weeks ago "Booklet Queen Comes to Her Senses." The two titles are similar, both in sharing a revelation as well as making a statement about knowing more now than was known earlier.

"I could have kicked myself" had to do with allowing a promotional technique to sit dormant for awhile. The person knew what to do to maintain a high search engine placement and hadn't recently done so. "Booklet Queen Comes to Her Senses" referred to a new perspective for presenting a service in a different way, to be a better match for the market.

What's this got to do with your booklet and your other info products? First, since you are human like the rest of us, you can only do so much at any given time. You make your best choices of ways to create and market your products, choices from among the list of possibilities. So kicking yourself could address the popularly-held definition of doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. When you know you can sell lots of your booklets to a certain client or through a particular sales channel, and you don't do it, well, that's the choice you made. Go ahead and kick if you can.

Seeing something from a new and different perspective can only come from exposing yourself to other ideas and/or letting something sit and percolate for a bit until another point of view presents itself.

No matter what, your booklet and it's development are and always will be a process. I often say that I didn't come out of my mother knowing what I know today. The same is true for you.

Bottom line -- be kind to yourself, and stay open.

Until next time,
Paulette - who is not kicking herself and expects to again come to her senses

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More Info About Booklets

Are you a subscriber to the monthly ezine, Booklet Tips from Paulette? (yes, the same name as this blog, yet totally different information). And I only write the ezine once a month so it is not intrusive additional mail in your inbox. The ezine is once a month, and posts here on this blog are usually 4-5 times a week in case you want a more regular "fix" of observations, amusements, opinions, annoyances, and information.

To become a subscriber to the monthly ezine (which is published the first Tuesday of the month), go to the subscriber box on the home page at www.tipsbooklets.com

Until next time,
Paulette - wanting you to have all the info you want to have


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Six Days, Six Months, or Six Years?

It really doesn't matter how quickly one person gets their booklet done. It matters how quickly YOU get YOURS done. Ask yourself a few questions to guide your time line:

  • What's my purpose in doing a booklet at all?
  • How important is it that the booklet is perfect?
  • Is other people's input crucial to the booklet?
  • Does my typical work style dictate the pace of this booklet?
  • Do I really care how quickly or how long it takes me?
You might decide to take as long as it takes, or pick up the pace. Either way, your booklet will turn out exactly as it is supposed to, in the time frame it's supposed to. And yes, I've seen booklets done in six days, six months, and six years.

Until next time,
Paulette - whose booklet took two weeks


Monday, May 21, 2007

Different Size Products

Years ago there was a booklet author who created two booklets using the same material. One was a shortened version of the other. This came to mind recently when experiencing a new model for ink jet printer cartridges. Two different sized amounts of ink at two different prices. The smaller one is definitely more expensive once you do the math. However that is not the case with the booklets. The smaller one does not end up being more expensive because of having to replace it faster at a higher per-unit cost. It is another option for people who don't want to lay out the higher amount of money, or don't do a high enough volume to make it matter about the price. Consider whether it makes sense for you to have a smaller and larger tips booklet (number of pages, not dimensions).

Until next time,
Paulette - continuing to observe events in other industries and our own


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Booklet Samples

What do you do to provide samples of your booklets or parts of your booklet? Sampling is a common practice with many products and services, and is completely possible when it comes to booklets. There's so many ways to do that. Here's just a few to ponder to get you thinking:

  • Create a PDF file of your entire booklet with the word "sample" placed horizontally like a watermark on all pages.
  • Place one page of your booklet as a graphic onto your website for visitors to see.
  • Develop a single-page sales sheet about your booklet, with some sample tips on it.

What others can you think of? Leave your ideas in the comments section of this blog.

Until next time,
Paulette - spreading samples for increased sales


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is Your Locally Based Booklet Business Really Local?

Your business and your booklet are not locally based, no matter how much you think they are. Let's say you're a service-based business or organization. That could be a medical professional, a dry cleaner, a professional organizer, the local botanical garden, a regional transportation service, or any of hundreds of other service-based businesses or groups. You think you remain within a specific geographic region, don't you?

How about this -- someone is moving to your region or vacationing there. Or some friend or family member from some other part of the country or world needs to care for or wants to gift someone in your region. All of a sudden, what you have to say about your expertise has literally world-wide appeal and importance.

"77 Tips to Getting the Greatest Enjoyment from XYZ Botanical Gardens" could do wonders for promoting that venue by placing it into the hands of travel-related companies in other parts of the country or the world. What happens when a person in New York wants to find a professional organizer for their friends who just had a baby or are getting ready to downsize in Arizona or Florida or somewhere else? Having a booklet with some tips that got sent to some national publication for excerpting into an article increases the odds of getting that referral from anywhere else in the country.

And on it goes. Your company or organization goes way beyond your zip code or postal code. Your booklet connects the dots from here to there.

Until next time,
Paulette - continuing to delight in joint marketing ventures worldwide


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Where Can Your Booklet Content Go?

You've read about doing an audio recording of your booklet to create another product for yourself. And you know about selling your booklet as a downloadable PDF and/or audio MP3. You've also seen reference to selling your content as fully produced hard copy or licensing it for your client to do all the production. You've even seen discussion about licensing your booklet into other languages, again, with your client doing all the work and paying you for the rights.

Have you ever considered licensing the use of the content for inclusion on product packaging or scattered throughout an online or offline catalog or used in a morning drive-time radio ad campaign or included in the help section of a software package? What about a tip on a tee-shirt or coffee mug or pen or baseball cap? Or tea labels or fortune cookies or calendars or, or, or...?

You start with a booklet. There is absolutely no reason in the world to end with a booklet. And the ideas in the above paragraphs don't begin to scratch the surface of applications for licensing your booklet. Got some more that you want to add in the comments section for this post? Go ahead, don't be shy!

Until next time,
Paulette - who is about to have a few more exciting things in the works


Monday, May 14, 2007

What Your Client Wants

I had a hair raising experience last week that lasted 4 days. Literally, it had to do with my hair, yet the whole thing raised much more than that. Sparing you some of the less necessary details, I risked going to a new hairdresser last week. (Men, stay with me here. This applies to you, too.) An hour-ish later, I left the shop with the color being drastically not to my liking, the cut wasn't it, and the style was definitely not me. That was Wednesday afternoon. By Friday, I felt I'd given myself ample time to determine if the new-ness about it would settle in, or it was simply not what I wanted. I determined the latter to be the case.

Then came the question of whether to go back to this same guy or go to yet one more new person. My logic said to give the same guy a chance to make it right, and if that didn't work, never would I darken his doorway again. Saturday I was back in his chair, and walked out of his shop 90 minutes later a happy camper.

What happened on Wednesday that caused the misstep? He never asked me what I wanted. He thought he knew what I'd like, based on his own professional expertise and his quick assessment of my appearance and personality. WRONG. He never asked me -- just kept telling me how great he thought that color would be, and how this shaping would be, and all of what he thought.

Have you ever done that with a new client? I suspect I've been guilty of it once or twice. Okay, maybe three times. It could have been a one-time sale this guy made if I'd chosen to go to someone else to correct it. Now he's got a very high likelihood of my being a loyal and continuing client of his. I liked what he did on the correction, and I liked how he handled the whole situation of wanting to please me to the best of his capability. He almost didn't have the chance to do that, and probably could have avoided the whole thing if he had first asked me things instead of making assumptions that he knew what I'd want.

Ask your client clarifying questions of the number of booklets, how they want them customized, how far in advance they need them, and anything else you think will help your client determine their own best decisions. Then give them what they want. They will be much more inclined to come back and buy more.

Until next time,
Paulette - asking what it is that you want

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Booklet Queen Came to Her Senses

It's been said that it's easier to course correct than to get off the ground. That applies to so many things in life, including launching an airplane or a new product or service.

After weeks and even months of doing a soft launch of a new service from my business called "Collection of Experts," I did a full-blown launch by announcing it to my entire ezine subscriber list last week. And I waited. And waited. And waited some more. There were many clicks on the link in my ezine for the new service, and not a single purchase. Not a one. I had complete confidence in the package I had put together, and just could not figure out why no one was biting. Lots of interest, and nothing beyond that.

Then it occurred to me (triggered by a casual passing request from a client) what I could do to drastically reduce the price and streamline the whole thing. Lo and behold, that was it. That was the magic key to unlock it all.

Emails came in telling me how easy and affordable the revised version of this service is, how they couldn't wait to participate, how they wanted to form their own group to bring to this project, that they would be joining in the beginning of next week or in an hour or tomorrow.

What's all the excitement about? See for yourself at www.CollectionOfExperts.com
I'm looking forward to hearing from you, too, and having you also participate! And be sure to let me know any questions you have.

Until next time,
Paulette - forever learning how to do it better


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Curing Connectile Dysfunction

Jill Konrath is a consultant whose expertise is selling to big companies. She had an article in her ezine this week that I absolutely had to share with you. See why.


3 Strategies for Curing Connectile Dysfunction
By Jill Konrath

It was only 11:30, but already I was far behind in what I'd hoped to accomplish for the day. Despite all my best intentions, my To Do List was only getting longer.

That's when the mail arrived. A whole stack of it was plopped on my desk. Without even thinking, I started sorting it into two piles: important info and junk – which goes directly into the wastebasket. I take great pleasure in tossing out this unsolicited correspondence without even opening it.

But when I got to the postcard from Sprint, I stopped. There it was, staring me in the face – a big headline declaring: The Power to Cure Connectile Dysfunction.

It was so unexpected and such a great twist on words, that it totally jolted me out of my routine. I couldn't throw the postcard away. I even read the whole thing - something I never do.

Suddenly I was thinking about the connectile dysfunction issues we sellers face every day as we valiantly attempt to reach inaccessible decision makers. Our hopes of cracking into corporate accounts go unrealized, dashed by unreturned phone calls or brusque prospects who bring up impossible-to-address objections.

For some sellers, connectile dysfunction is terminal. For others, it's a severe handicap they try to overcompensate for by making more phone calls.

Fortunately people can recover from this disastrous condition. If you're suffering from it, here are three tips you can use to get your sales health back on track.

1. Provide a Jolt!
That's exactly what Sprint did. I was so immune to the typical self-promotional marketing messages most companies send that I literally throw letters out without taking a peek inside. People are like that on the phone too. If you say the same thing that every other seller says, you're deleted.

As you prepare your account entry campaign, ask yourself: What could I say/write that would make someone sit up and take notice? Ardath Albee created a winning title for a white paper she wrote for Einsof that's been downloaded thousands and thousands of times. Apparently lots of people are interested in the topic: " Why Naked CRM Systems Don't Work."

2. Be Immediately Relevant
Focus your approach on a high priority business issue that the company is facing right now. Don't plead ignorance on this one. There's absolutely no reason you can't go the Press Release section on your prospect's website to find out what's happening. Also, check the local business news where you'll find lots of up-to-date reporting about the company's financial condition, primary initiatives and growth strategies.

Any time you initiate contact with a corporate decision maker, make sure you demonstrate your knowledge of their firm in the first 10 seconds. If you don't, they'll promptly delete your emails and voicemail messages or toss your letters right into the trash.

3. Shake Their Status Quo
In selling, you're fighting the status quo. Busy corporate decision makers will stay with it as long as they can, only changing when their goals can't be achieved with the current way of doing things. In order to get an appointment, stress the impact of your offering on their business.

When you tell a prospect you can slash operating costs by 23% while increasing customer satisfaction, they'll be interested. When they hear you're able to increase sales conversion rates by 23% or improve average order size by 11%, they'll be interested. When you talk about a similar customer who realized savings of $480,000 in just 3 months, they'll be interested. These kinds of statements practically demand that prospects re-evaluate their status quo. And that's exactly what you want to happen.

Here's the Good News
While you may be suffering from a severe case of connectile dysfunction today, you can be symptom-free in just days. Start by applying the strategies mentioned above and you'll notice an immediate improvement. Finally, if symptoms reappear in the future, just take out this dose of sales medicine and re-apply it to your new prospects.

The FDA reports that Jill Konrath's claims of miraculous recoveries have been repeatedly documented in test trials across the world.

Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies, helps sellers crack into corporate accounts, shorten sales cycles and win big contracts. She is a frequent speaker at national sales meetings and association events.

Visit http://www.SellingtoBigCompanies.com for more info. Get a free Sales Call Planning Guide ($19.95 value) when you sign up for the Selling to Big Companies e-newsletter.

Until next time,
Paulette - learning from the best, and passing it on to you


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Booklets - One More Thing

It's not unusual to hear a new or potential booklet author say something like "now I need to add yet one more thing to my already-full business life" when referring to writing, producing, and marketing their booklet.

Ok, the writing will take you however long it takes you. You either write it yourself or your outsource the writing. You write it quickly or drag it out. The production , too, will take as long as it takes. You do the design work yourself if you're adept at desktop publishing, or you approve the work of a graphic designer early in the process, or you go through endless rounds of edits and approvals. The printer usually goes quickly, without much involvement on your part once you've determined any requirements out of the ordinary.

Then it's about the marketing. When you've written a booklet that reflects the primary activities of your business, the booklet marketing can seamlessly become part of your everyday activities and chatter and patter rather than be an "add-on." Yes, there may be times you'll discover someplace you want to contact about bulk sales that wouldn't be on your typical daily path of activities. And you can certainly shift the balance to be that if/when you decide to. Otherwise, it's often little more than adding a few extra sentences to conversations you're already having with clients and vendors, to explore their level of interest in bulk sales, licenses, and other applicatiosn of your booklet and its content.

Hmm, now that looks different, doesn't it?

Until next time,
Paulette - forever leveraging


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Booklets Coming to New York City in 3 weeks

Where will you be Tuesday, May 29? How about spending the afternoon with me in midtown Manhattan (New York City). You'll find all the details at www.tipsbooklets.com/nyc2007.htm
Pre-registration is required. We will not be able to accommodate any walk-ins, and I have no clue when I'll be back there again.

See you three weeks from today!

Until next time,
Paulette - eager to share this stuff with you, face-to-face


Monday, May 07, 2007

Booklet Transcribing Resource

Two transcription services have come past me within a week. I have not personally used either of them, though I know people who have, and who were pleased. They each have different pricing models - one charges by the word and the other by the minute of sound. This is an excellent way to either capture the sound bites you've been saying or to create yet another product from what was originally an audio presentation.

I have no financial gain by passing these along to you:


Until next time,
Paulette - giving you more tools to do what you do best


Friday, May 04, 2007

Booklet Test or Failure

Reading a colleague's ezine this week, a point was raised that directly relates to booklets. The conversation in that ezine was the age-old one about whether something is a failure or whether it's merely identifying one more way that isn't the particular solution.

Booklets are tested in promotional contexts all the time. It is very likely for a company to offer a booklet as an incentive for their customers and prospects to buy more product. (Get a free gift when you buy ...) Based on those test results, the company will come back to the booklet author to buy more booklets to extend the promotional campaign when the test proved effective. This is an important concept to know, since a 500-booklet order can grow into a 500,000 booklet order. It can make a booklet author scratch their head when the initial 500-piece order comes in, knowing it's from a very large company. Usually that order for 500 booklets is merely a test.

Was it a failure if no more booklets were ordered after that first 500? No, it was not a failure. It was an order of 500 copies to a company who you can now say is a client!

Until next time,
Paulette - looking at what is real in business


Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Starting Point

It's great fun and inspiration to share the many things (information products) that can be created from your experiences and ideas. I've been doing more speaking lately than I had been for awhile. The audiences get very excited about the possibilities of doing a booklet and rolling that into other products. The excitement frequently goes to such great heights that it lands in overwhelm. Sooo many ideas, soooo little time. Where to start?

The presentation usually recaps with addressing that very issue. For the matter of lots of topics, and which one to do first, it's easy when they are related to each other in some way. Do a "sampler" booklet by taking 10-12 tips from each of 10-12 different-yet-related topics, and put them all in one booklet. Ok, that solved the "topic" issue. Then it's a question of where to start with the content. There are at least two choices:

1. Look through whatever you've already written - book, special reports, white papers, articles -- and cull from them.
2. Capture the sound bites that have been coming out of your mouth about your topic for however long you've been in your area of expertise. Once you've gone as far as you think you can, and have been dropping them into a word processing file on your computer, go back and refine and organize them.

And you've gotten started.

Until next time,
Paulette -- who takes you step by step on this journey in her product, "How to Promote Your Business with Booklets" (in the home study course section of products on the site


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Booklets and Women Travelers

Is your expertise anything directly related to women travelers? If so, you may see these two tidbits I noticed in the past month the same way I do -- as an invitation to contact these two companies to discuss bulk sales of your content in a variety of ways. What about booklets as a promotional item to attract even more women? And certainly with traveling, the audio version of your content is ideal for audio CDs or downloadable MP3s. That's what I see when reading things like this:


American Airlines has also become the first and only airline to create a position solely focused on women's sales and marketing.


http://www.wyndham.com/wotw/main.wnt - Women on Their Way – business travelers

Until next time,
Paulette - seeing leads for what they are


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The 80-20 Rule in Action

Seth Godin in his book. The Purple Cow, tells the story of a bank that discovered only 10% of their customers were using their online banking service every day. Most were only using it once per month. On the surface it appeared that they should not spend as much money on that service. However it turned out that this group accounted for about 70% of the bank deposits. Don’t make hasty judgments based on volume.

This information made me think of the activities of the ebooklet catalog at www.tipsbooklets.com One of the first questions that many booklet authors ask me is "what's the best selling booklet on your site and how many sales does it make?" before they decide whether to offer their booklet for sale on my site. I then go on to say those numbers don't matter, which, at first, admittedly sounds like I'm hedging the answer. The truth is they don't matter because there are frequently many behind-the-scenes sales that come from a single download or not even any download. 500 hard copies of one booklet were sold merely from the title of the booklet! So it continues that volume of the initial experience may have zero bearing on the ultimately bottom line.

Until next time,
Paulette - looking at that 80-20 thing one more time
