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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Could I Taste a Sample, Please?

This is so simple it's almost embarrassing to mention for fear of insulting anyone's intelligence. (I know I'm fortunate in being surrounded by lots of very intelligent people, which is why I say that.)

Do you include samples of your tips from your booklet when you are marketing your booklet, so people get a flavor of what's in your booklet? Do you have a few sample tips on your website? I don't mean the entire booklet as a free giveaway, just a half dozen or so of the tips. Do you put that same few tips in any letter or email you send to your prospects? What about in the articles you write, and even those posts you put on discussion boards and other people's blogs? And your own blog? And when you're interviewed for print or on air? Or, or, or...?

Look through your booklet to see which 6 or 7 tips are the most unique, the most representative, or the ones you feel are the best. Using them often will entice more people to buy the entire booklet from you.

Until next time,
http://www.tipsbooklets.com -- where you'll find sample tips from my booklet on the bottom of the home page.


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