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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How Many Times?

This post is a theme and variations of a post of several weeks ago. Ironically, it's about repeating a message multiple times.

One day this week I held a follow-up teleconference for an in-person class of a number of weeks ago. After the teleconference I got an email from someone in the group saying one of the best things about the follow-up session was learning about my blog, this very thing you are reading right now. It surprised me to get this message, and here's why:

1. The URL for this blog is in the signature file of each and every one of my emails. This person has received numerous emails from me and apparently never saw or absorbed that link.

2. I mentioned the blog in the in-person class, including offering a publication for sale that was the compilation of hundreds of posts from this blog for one year's time.

3. The person actually had my blog listed on their own blog roll and knows I am part of a blog discussion group that they are, too.

Yet, until yesterday's teleconference, it had not yet sunk in that this blog would be of use to the person's current efforts. I suspect there were probably a few more references to my blog that got overlooked as well. Regardless, yesterday was the time for it to connect.

Think about all of this when you are talking with someone you think is your ideal client or your perfect audience. Many if not most will take multiple exposures to absorb your message and see how it will be useful to them.

Your job is to keep putting it out there, in multiple formats and multiple times.

Until next time,
Paulette - who also needs to be reminded to repeat things



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