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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Referrals are ...

...the greatest thing since sliced bread. I mean, isn't it great when someone contacts you and says "So-and-so suggested I get in touch with you because you are THE go-to person for this." Yes, this does come under the category of Amazing Grasp of the Obvious, I know. So why am I taking the time and effort to write about it? The short answer is because I think it's slipped the mind of most booklet authors and it bears reminding, for everyone's sake.

When was the last time you told a decision-maker that even though they didn't want your booklet that you knew of someone else who probably had exactly what that decision-maker would want? I'm guessing you most likely haven't done that in awhile, if ever. You have your reasons, ranging the gamut from concern that someone else is taking a sale away from you (which you didn't have to begin with) to it just never dawned on you.

So, think about what it's like to be on the receiving end of a referral, for a sale that just falls into your lap. The decision-maker contacts you and you hear some variation of "I understand you've got an excellent booklet about (fill in the blank), and I'm interested in reviewing it because we may want to buy 5,000 copies from you.

Now, I am not talking about being an altruist here, though that's not the worst thing any of us could be. I AM talking about good business. I'm talking about making it easier for yourself, your clients, and your colleagues. I'm talking about potentially making a commission or finder fee for passing along the referral if that way of doing business suits you.

Next time you find yourself in a situation where you have the ear of a decision-maker for booklets or their derivatives, think beyond your own booklet. Think about expanding the sale. Think about over-delivering, whether your own booklet is a match for that decision-maker or not. If you need introductions to other booklet authors on some specific topics, contact me. It's very likely I can connect you to someone.

Until the next set of thoughts that insist on coming out,


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