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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Winning 'Em Over with Booklets

"In all honesty, at first I wasn't interested in booklets, brochures or pamphlets but as you went on I became fascinated with your presentation. My brain is teaming with ideas about this."

Monday night I spoke to a local group of writers and editors here in San Diego. The location or even the audience really makes almost no difference. Some theme and variation on the above comment is something I hear or notice at many speaking engagements I've done over the years.

I mention this to you today for one reason and one reason only. You may have people in your own life who have the same opinion of the booklet you're doing. I've written about this before, yet it bears repeating. My strong encouragement to you is to do your booklet anyway, regardless of the opinions surrounding you. You, too, may find those people become fascinated with what you're doing, and catch the enthusiasm you have, as my audiences do when I speak.

Until next time,
Paulette - committed to dispelling ignorance and apathy, one person at a time



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