When To Throw In the Towel
"If you could help me sell a few thousand of them you would have my full attention."
The above sentence was in a brief email this morning from someone who wrote to compliment me on my newsletter. While I enjoyed the kind words about the newsletter, I was personally put off by the general experience I've had of this guy. He has spent huge amounts of energy defending why he has no money, why workbooks are the only way to go (with which I disagree), and on and on and on.
I can't help wondering what his results would be if he re-directed his energy toward learning how to expand his product line and his bottom line. Instead, he's expecting magic. He's expecting someone else to do his work for him. Sure, someone else might be able to sell for him (though I'm sure he's expecting a commission-based relationship from anyone who would). And someone else could expand his product line for him (he probably wants some revenue share here, too, from what I've experienced of him so far). However, no one else can learn for him, though.
This is the kind of mindset that leads me to conclude I've put enough energy into someone who seems committed to staying stuck. You've probably had clients like that. Or you may even be seeing yourself in this scenario! If that's you, I encourage you to consider how much you're shooting yourself in the foot, getting the exact opposite of the results you are seeking. If this describes a prospect or a current client, decide how much effort you want to continue investing in someone who seems like they will never move off the mark.
The choice is always yours.
Until next time,
Paulette -- always available to encourage those interested in their own growth
Labels: Selling
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