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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Doing Your Buyers a Favor

When you contact bulk buyers with offers to sell them your products, you are doing them a favor, not the other way around. You are bringing them a vehicle to help them sell more of their product, service, or cause. They are not doing you a favor in buying from you. It is often an amazement to realize how many booklet authors are stuck, yes paralyzed, in the whole sales process because of the belief about asking the prospect to do them a favor.

One of the earliest licensing deals I ever did was with a large consumer mail order catalog company. They licensed from me the right for them to print 250,000 copies of my booklet. That seemed like a large sale, and for me at that moment, it was. However, in that year they were distributing 17 million catalogs, so the 250,000 booklets was a drop in the bucket, a test for them. An other piece of perspective here is that although they paid me a very nice low-5-digit check, they experienced a 13% sales increase based on offering my booklet free with any purchase in one issue of their catalog. That 13% translated into millions of dollars for them.

So who did who the favor in that sale? I did them the favor with selling them something that gave them a huge return on their investment. And yes, I was also quite happy to make the sale.

Until next time,
Paulette - encouraging "favors" that work for everyone



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