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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Booklets and Time Management

You may know I earned my living for 16 years as a Professional Organizer. That's what prompted my booklet, "110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life," and subsequently this entire business, Tips Products International.

One of the things I count on about myself is an incredibly good relationship with time. That is not the case for many people I know, including some of my very closest friends, wonderful colleagues, and cherished clients.

Although I was suddenly forced to buy a new computer last Thursday and lost about 30 hours of time having to reinstall software and do tweaks on all kinds of things on the computer, I was confident in meeting deadlines. All of this was a reminder to me when speaking with a client this morning about her own frustration with time management. She's at the other end of the spectrum from me on this one.

I encouraged her to take small bites of the elephant so she could move a lot of things forward and feel a sense of accomplishment in the process. She has quite a juggling act to do, as do many people I know. A family, an outside job, lots of projects, writing, producing, and marketing her products, and on and on. Not so unusual out there.

Years ago, one of my closest friends had an ongoing to-do list of about 100 entries at any given time. His wife was all over him about being busy yet not bringing in much money. I encouraged him to put a green dollar sign next to the entries on his list that were revenue producing. That helped focus. Yes, it's important to bring in the money so you can then do Good Work -- take the oxygen first so you can then be helpful to others.

Crreate your booklets bits and pieces at a time if that's what's necessary in your world. Market in bits and pieces if you have to. Just keep doing the do. You'll be surprised by what you get done and the fun you can have in the process.

Until next time,
Paulette - who is all caught up now



At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Paulette,

Your advice in this post is really solid and I appreciate what you have written about time and managing it.

There are so many distractions in the internet world and I've had to limit what I take in so I can stay focused on getting some projects done.



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