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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Booklet Promotion is Endless

I am admittedly a later adapter of technology. It's just how I'm wired. And once I do jump onto a particular bandwagon, it's obvious how helpful it turns out to be. My overwhelm with technology is something I see in many other people when it comes to both technology and marketing. I mention them together because they are increasingly part of the same thing.

Years ago, John Kremer wrote "1001 Ways to Market Your Book." I've got three editions of this book, each thicker than the one before it. John talks about a matrix of 5 -- doing 5 things to promote your book everyday. He added a lot about the Internet in his most recent edition that came out a couple years ago. John's book runs a gamut of book marketing approaches and his book is also very useful for booklet authors.

Between his book, and the increasing number of online possibilities, I go into overload. How about you? LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, my blog, everyone else's blog, and on and on and on. Yes, it could be time to find an intern who does nothing but social network promotion for me. Many people enjoy the technology, get a kick out of the marketing, and would love the idea of helping someone. Yup, I think that's my solution, at least for now, anyway.

Until next time,
Paulette - digging out from the technological avalanche

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At 11:13 PM, Blogger Book Marketing Bestsellers said...

Thanks, Paula, for the mention of my book. Much appreciated.

I've been thinking lately that using social networks for book marketing is for the most part a time-consuming and not necessarily productive venue. That's why social networking is not one of the four ways I'm teaching in my new 10 Million Eyeballs Event where I'm teaching people how to get 10 million impressions/views/eyeballs for their book, product, service, website, idea, or whatever bops their clock. Details at http://www.10millioneyeballs.com.

Social networking is way too time wasting. Time to do things that get results much faster and easier. -- Because I'm essentially a lazy man.


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