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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Creativity - Where You Find It

A client of mine was telling me today how uncreative she was, that a colleague of hers had to bring something to her attention that seemed obvious in hindsight. I assured my client that happens to many people, and has nothing to do with her level of creativity as much as merely being too close to a situation.

Being too close to something can blind you (and me) from seeing all kinds of things. A consultant emailed me today, to ask a question, without any apparent intention of paying me for my time or expertise. Rather than be totally obnoxious about it, I did respond with an answer to the question, and included a suggestion and a link to a product I sell that has lots more info and a 30-minute consultation as part of the purchase. That was a creative way of letting the person know that I, like her, *sell* my services.

Then an autoresponder arrived earlier in the week when my newsletter went out. This autoresponder said it all:


The "XYZ" Coach will be on a TECH-FREE holiday and coaching retreat until July 15. I will not monitor or respond to emails until that date.

While I'm on the beach, meditating and devouring a dozen new books, I invite you to check out my "XYZ Summer Reading List."

Stand tall. Breathe deeply. Smile often.


Now *that's* where you can find creativity!

Until next time,
Paulette - grateful to visit my office annex, AKA the Beach, anytime I want, since it's 1.5 miles away.



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