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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Monday, July 31, 2006

What to Say to Bulk Booklet Buyers

Some of my most favorite clients on the planet recently shared with me a recording of a telephone sales call they had with a corporate decision maker, someone they hoped would buy their booklets. They wanted me to critique the call, which I was more than happy to do. They are early in their process of selling booklets. They have some excellent materials from an expert in selling to big companies, and they are good students.

Their call was one of those experiences that leave you (as the caller) wondering how many things were possible to do 'wrong' in such a call. Fortunately, it sounded like they never really had a chance with their prospect, so it became one of those famous learning opportunities.

The sole thing to keep in mind throughout anything like this is to put yourself into the mindset of the person you're talking to.

Because of that, it will bring you to identifying ways your booklet will help the prospect:

* make more money
* save money
* gain market share (which is a variation of make more money)
* distinguish the company from their competitors (again make more money)
* have greater name recognition (make more money)

That's it. That's pretty much all there is. Yes, I know it's all pretty mercinary. However, it gets your message out to that wide reach you are aiming at and makes YOU money in the process. See what happens when you take that stance.

Until next time,


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