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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Booklet Sales without (Paid) Advertising

You recently read a blog post here a couple days ago about Word of Mouth marketing. You may also know I've personally sold over a million copies of my own booklet without spending a penny on advertising. Advertising equals paying for space in print or electronically. I don't do that and never have.

The results of a recent survey by CNET and MarketingSherpa indicated the top three most effective ways for business executives to market are:

1. Word of mouth

2. Conferences and trade shows

3. Editorial in print magazines

For you as a booklet author, that means tell everyone you know (which you saw me suggest here a few days ago.) Without realizing it was 'the' way to go by having the benefit of this survey, I have always suggested attending conferences and trade shows. I don't suggest paying for a vendor booth as much as walking the floor of the show to see who is there. Contact them after the show to sell your booklets to them for their use as a promotional tool in selling their own products or services.

And the third item on the above list is actually where I started when my booklet was first published in 1991 -- pre-Internet! I sent a copy of the booklet and a cover letter to several hundred magazine editors, inviting them to excerpt from the booklet into articles they wrote for their magazine's editorial content, provided they put full contact info and price at the bottom of that article. 50,000 single booklet copies got sold that way, plus doors opened for other substantial opportunities.

Confirmation is always a good thing, especially when someone else of high repute paid to gather that data!

Until next time,
Paulette - passing along useful news from the big boys that's helpful to all of us


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