Booklets and Teleclasses
While visiting my office annex this afternoon (aka The Beach, a mere two miles away), the topic of teleclasses came to mind. The beach is a likely place to explore ways of doing my business easier and more effectively. After all, I like the beach, and the way I've structured my business, I get to be there pretty much whenever I like. I am inspired to streamline my business however I can.
So what's this got to do with teleclasses? Well, anytime I do a teleclass, especially as a guest addressing someone else's list or network, it's an extraordinarily efficient and lucrative way to market and sell. It expands the reach at basically no cost. Yes, there is the regular long-distance phone cost for each person. That's very different than getting on an airplane, renting a car, renting rooms, and all the obvious things with a face-to-face. Don't misunderstand. I love the face-to-face, too, just spread out. During the past dozen years, I've presented or been a guest on literally hundreds of teleclasses.
The results from those teleclasses -- Besides the direct sales of products and services (gotta love that immediate gratification!), there were things I never could have forecasted. One outstanding ones was when an attendee contacted me after the class to invite me to be interviewed for a book he was ghostwriting. I always say yes to things like that. Why wouldn't I? (or you?)
This time was bigger and better. The book was being ghosted for Fred DeLuca, founder of Subway Sandwich Restaurants. My story is in that book. Beyond the momentary and lovely ego stroke, let's get practical. The book has been marketed domestically and internationally. Every time someone contacts me from my story in that book world-wise (yes, from far corners of the world), they are already in buying mode. People have bought booklets, home study kits, manuals, consulting, workshop registrations, and more from reading my story in that book. And additional publicity opportunities came from reading my story in that book. The book, by the way, is called "Start Small, Finish Big!"
This was from one free teleclass I presented. And this is one story of many from doing teleclasses. For all I know, you may have discovered my work through a teleclass, and you've gone on to do all kinds out outstanding things with your booklet and its derivatives.
One of the more popular things these days is recording the teleclasses. That allows for creating products and reaching many more people than in the live call. The digital recording can be archived on a website or produced as a hard copy CD.
Teleclasses can be fun, lucrative, and a streamline for your business. Then you can join me at the beach, or go to your favorite place. Teleclasses work best with lots of good content in a well-organized and upbeat delivery.
A resource that recently came to me gives everything you need to create and deliver your own excellent teleclasses. It's by someone I regard highly, who does top-caliber work. Find out more about this terrific resource at
Oh, and please invite me to be a guest on your teleclass. I'll be more than happy to joint venture that with you.
Until next time,
Paulette - sharing the best because you deserve it
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