Everything is One Thing at a Time
Sometimes I see a glazed look or hear a loud silence when my exhuberance gets the better of me and I go into all the many possibilites there are for selling or using booklets. I get that from the booklet authors and I get it from the booklet buyers. The glaze and the silence are profound and undeniable symptoms of overload, plain and simple.
Booklet authors end up not knowing where to start in their sales journey, given all the possible ways to go. Booklet buyers shut down because there are sooooo many ways to use booklets that they don't know where to start.
It is crucial, vital, all-important, and literally the only thing that works. It is the reality that everything happens one thing at a time. Yes, it is possible to have two or more things going simultaneously. However, each had to be started by itself. Think in units of one when making the decision of which marketing method to use, which client to approach, which application for booklets, which derivative of the booklet manuscript to develop. Do one thing. Then do another one thing. No more overwhelm. No more overload. No more confusion.
Until next time,
Paulette - who really can't jump rope and chew gum well at the same time
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