Doesn't Everyone Know That?
Two experiences this week reminded me about humans seeing things through different filters from each other. One was prompted when sharing my vacation photos with a friend. The other was from the mouth and mind of a new booklet author.
A couple months ago I finally bought a digital camera. Much of my life has included people very interested in photography either professionally or avocationally. I never got into it. The camera I got was an entry level PHD - Point Here Dummy. And that's what I did, over 200 times in 11 days. I didn't always (ever?) know what would come out, and there really were some decent shots after all, and in spite of my novice status. One shot, in particular, was almost an afterthought, and even more so when I later reviewed the photos. My friend, however, saw an element in that picture that she decided to edit and play with, to feature that element. She spotted that as a real find. I had almost deleted that shot. She cropped it, manipulated it, and did some magic with it. That's what she saw. I hadn't seen it that way before she put her hand to it. It went from almost-nothing to really something.
Then there was a consult with a new booklet author this week. As I commented on a couple of tips I thought were really outstanding and unique, the author replied with some variation of "doesn't everyone know that stuff?" Um, no, they don't!! The author lives with this content, as we all do with our expertise. I came in with new and different eyes and experiences, seeing that content for the first time. It looked interesting to me.
Keep in mind that your set of filters sees things differently than your reader or your client. Allow for and invite that element of discovery. It's what makes it all exciting, useful, interesting, and attractive to your world, and keeps you moving forward in sharing what you know.
Until next time,
Paulette - ready to see things differently through my camera and my human optics
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