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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Distinguishing Yourself

In the past few weeks, the topic of uniqueness has been popping up all over my own radar. Some view uniqueness as a positive thing and revel in it. Others shy away from it, wanting to blend. I have my theories on who revels and who runs away, based largely on birth order! As a first-born, I am forever drawn toward uniqueness. Uniqueness makes a big difference in business.

Many booklet authors have expertise in topics such as networking, leadership, organizing, and customer service. In fact a couple weeks ago at the workshop I did in England, that was the comment from one of the people in the class - that lots of people have expertise in that person's area. I suggested looking at how that person approaches the topic when dealing with clients. Surely there was some way that made the approach unique. That appeared to help.

What if you are hard-pressed to effectively analyze your uniqueness? Maybe you aren't unique! Then what? I'm guessing you probably are, though, and just aren't seeing it. Regardless, one thing you can do is to look around you and beyond your own business for examples that can jog your creativity. One recent example I noticed is a couple of low-cost airlines are changing some ways they do business. Their ticket prices are very, very low. However they are charging for checking each piece of luggage, as well as any and all other services that other airlines give at no cost. This way people buy what they want rather than subsidizing services for everyone else. That's breaking with the traditional way of doing business for the airlines.

Look at how you approach your business and write about it in your booklet. Find ways to keep yourself distinguished from among the crowd by seeing how other businesses are breaking the mold in their industry. Even if you are not a first-born, you may want to experiment with new approaches anyway.

Until next time,
Paulette - delighting in being a trailblazer



At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, the word "unique" is popping up, Paulette! I just wrote about it in a recent blog post "The First Ingredient to Your Business Success." You can read it here, if you like.

Do you know "The Wise Woman's Stone" story? I think it's a beautiful illustration of unique.


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