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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Can You Really Make a Living Selling Booklets?

This question hasn't been posed to me in awhile. It did happen again last week. A new client bought my home study kit, "How to Promote Your Business with Booklets." After saying she found me popping up all over the Internet, she wanted to know if it was possible to actually make a living selling booklets, since I now teach people to do what I've done.

In a word -- yes. The part she slid over was that I personally sold over a million copies of my booklet in various languages and formats, made a cross-country move from one high-end neighborhood to another without missing a beat in my business, have obviously never missed a meal in my life (see photo at www.tipsbooklets.com) and, in fact, still sell copies of my booklet in bulk. (No more single copy sales of the printed version -- minimum 100 copies. ) I've recently started saying I've built an entire business on 16 pages -- the one and only booklet I've ever written for myself.

Yes, I do make most of my living now by teaching other people to turn their knowledge into tips booklets and other information products. It's been a natural outgrowth of selling booklets. Plus I am a teacher by training and nature. It was also a natural evolution of things that keep me interested in my own business, which is also something I teach others to do.

One of the greatest things about having my own business is that I can make it be whatever I want it to be, as can you. And you get to make your booklet business be even more lucrative than I have made mine because you don't need to fall into the potholes I did along the way!

Until next time,
Paulette - morphing all the way (sung to the same tune that would be "laughing all the way" at the end of that stanza)



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