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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bulk Sales That Also Work for Booklets

Among my most well-respected colleagues are John Kremer (www.bookmarket.com) and Brian Jud. (www.bookmarketingworks.com) Both have excellent books which I reference frequently for ideas that definitely work for booklets as well as books. John's "1001 Ways to Market Your Books" and Brian's "Beyond the Bookstore" are must-have's for your own professional library In Brian's bi-weekly newsletter, he recently had the following, which is a concept I've been teaching booklet authors for years.

's Korner

(Excerpted - with permission - from John Kremer’s

Sixth Edition of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books.

Contact John at http://www.bookmarket.com)

With in-packs, the premium (your book or excerpt) is offered inside the package. When the customers buy the product they get your premium, too. Alka-Seltzer has used excerpts from several books as in-packs to promote its “relief-giving” properties. During tax time, they gave away “Tax Relief” an excerpt from “J.K.Lasser’s Your Income Tax.” In another promotion, they gave away “Hot & Spicy Favorites” recipes excerpted from various Better Homes and Gardens cookbooks.


Until next time,
Paulette - looking forward to seeing both these guys in Los Angeles next week at Book Expo and PMA-U



At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have your manual and sent out some recent letters to companies recently using your ideas. I put the letter in a number 10 letter and received two returned and found that the booklets were very wrinkled. I don't know how often this happens or if it was due to being mailed twice but do you have a suggestion for mailing to prevent this? I didn't want to send priority mail due to expense and wasn't sure if there is a way to prevent the wrinkling factor when it goes through their processing equipment. Thanks.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous (though I'm not sure why you didn't let us know who you are),

First, I don't know that I've had booklets returned from companies since I've usually contacted the company first to secure the correct name and address. Once the booklet arrives, *somebody* ends up keeping it.

I also don't know if you used a heavier card stock paper for your cover, since you didn't say. The fact is that yes, there are times the US Postal Service has a way of folding, spindling, and mutilating. There have even been times when the big plastic binder of the home study kit I sell and send in their heavy cardboard box can get slightly damaged. However, all of this is a rarity in my experience.

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Paulette,

It's Debbie. It is a heavy card stock and I guess no one kept the booklet, but since it happened twice I was wondering if somehow it goes through a machine and the thickness (20 pages) makes it get little bend marks near the spine (it has 2 staples in it).

Do you write fragile on it and give it directly to the postal clerk? I may try that. I didn't know if it goes through equipment otherwise without that instruction.


At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To one of the dozens of Debbie's in my life,

Your question is probably better posed to the Postal Service than to me, especially since I don't typically see booklets come back to me.



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