Booklets Are Always About People
When you write your booklet and when you offer it up for sale or free distribution, it can sometimes be easy to lose track of the fact that people are involved in all parts of the process. The content reflects your experiences in some part of your life as a human being. The production touches the lives of your service providers. And ultimately, the booklet is intended to improve the lives of those who receive your booklet, whether it's distributors first and end users second, or directly to the end user.
I've had several experiences in the past few days where the human side of the interaction got lost in the shuffle, and where it made a big difference in anything beyond that. The first one truly surprised me. I tried out the services of a new massage therapist who came highly recommended to me. I've experienced professional massage for over 25 years, on 2 coasts, and as you can imagine, a wide range of experiences. This person never asked me a thing about whether there was any part of my body that needed extra attention or that she should avoid or if I preferred a stronger or lighter touch. Nothing. The sad part was that her technique as a massage therapist was fine, at about 85-90%, in fact. I will not be going back to her though.
We never connected as people.
Today I got an email from someone who had attended a fee-based teleclass and was looking for the recording and transcript that hadn't arrived. The person didn't include their proper name, just an email address. Um, I deal with people.
There are other examples I could offer, though I'm sure you got the point. Remember that you are always dealing with people every step of your booklet journey.
Until next time,
Paulette - who is 100% human
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Labels: Production, Sales, Writing
Wow! Not good when a massage therapist doesn't "check in" with her client. It's truly all about people.
Sharon Buck, LMT
You are right. And the interesting thing is that she'll never know why I didn't ever come back, since I doubt she'll contact me to follow up, either. The whole experience put me on higher alert to be more aware of how I interact with my own clients. Will I do it right every time? Absolutely not, I assure you. However, the odds are very much improved. Thanks for your comment.
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