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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Content Is Superfluous

It happened again. During a workshop in Phoenix this week, someone said it was the intention to only put very useful information out, not fill a booklet with superfluous information. I assured the booklet author that there would be a lot more interest in the topic of the product we were discussing by fattening it out with more tips, and most importantly, that each of us is too close to our own expertise to realize that many people don't know what you/I know. It may seem simple to you, and totally escapes the awareness of someone else.

I had a similar experience talking with a colleague. I asked for a solution to something, and he gave me what was, indeed, an easy solution -- one I just hadn't considered. Once he suggested it, of course it made perfect sense.

Remember that your content has at least three possible uses to the recipient:

* Brand new information
* Reminder of something already known
* Confirmation, especially coming from an expert (you)

Each of these functions makes your content anything BUT superfluous. Write it any way and do it now!

Until next time,
Paulette - reminding myself as much as reminding you

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