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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Booklet Biz from High Level Careers

Yesterday's open mic session for www.PublishingProsperity.com drove home a point that's been increasing lately. Some people on the call said they want to leave their highly credentialed, well educated careers and go into the information product business. The particular folks have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years to be in the careers they now want to leave several decades later. Tips booklets have become the bridge for them.

This is noteworthy because it indicates a shift in what's been a more typical phenom in the booklet business in the past. More often, people have used tips booklets to market the business they are in (and want to stay in), and to add information products as multiple revenue streams for their business which has usually been service based.

The fact is that it works equally well in both scenarios - as a full business of info products or as a marketing tool/revenue stream for a continuing business. This is, however, making me wonder about modifying or developing a different guide for the people who think that "How to Promote Your Business with Booklets" doesn't really apply to them. It actually does :-)

Until next time,
Paulette - reminded that perception is reality and that
leveraging knowledge is always a Good Thing

Follow me on www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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