Talking About Booklets Someplace Else
This week a new place was created to discuss tips booklets. I formed a no-cost discussion group on You can get there by going to
Within two days, 71 people registered for it and several people have already posed questions and responses about tips booklets. Go see what I mean.
Here are some reasons why I did this:
* It was quick and easy to set up and to announce, and is no cost to anyone.
* It provides yet one more venue for providing people the chance to connect about tips booklets.
* It's at a social networking site that is more in line with the professionalism of the tips booklets brand.
There are probably other reasons, though that's what immediately comes to mind.
So, given that there is this blog you are reading, which also gets posted to Facebook both of which provide opportunities for comments, and there is a weekly transmission of Booklet Tips from Paulette ezine each Monday, and a Facebook and a Twitter account, and a well-established site at www.tipsbooklets. com , why would I create yet one more place at ?
71 people in less than two days so far have proven why. It's a place and mechanism that works for them. Years ago I had a very active discussion board on my site where people talked about tips booklets throughout the week from all over the world. Discussion boards of that nature ran their course with many of them ultimately dying out. Mine was among them. Yet people have continued asking where they can network with other booklet authors. So the need is there, and apparently an easy solution is, too.
All of this reinforces the concept presented earlier this week of providing your expertise in the formats your buyers want. Well, here we are again. Many people regularly (or irregularly) follow my work on my site, blog, ezine, Facebook, Twitter, and other places, yet LinkedIn also appealed to them.
Included among those 71 people are folks whose names are unfamiliar to me, thanks in part to other people I know passing along news of the new group. And so far, there are people from the US, Canada, England, Germany, and Denmark that I know about for sure. That makes for excellent conversation and marketing opportunities. The topics represented among the tips booklets authors and would-be tips booklets authors are about as wide-reaching as you can imagine. There are people who are very well established in self-publishing and traditional publishing, and people who are just getting started.
Come join the party if you haven't already. And if you have, then post some questions and/or replies. And be sure to let other people know about it so everyone benefits from the collective contributions of resources and ideas.
Until next time,
Paulette - who loves seeing how experiments like these evolve
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