Booklets Garner Foreign Rights Sales in Indonesia
Two people from our tips booklet authors family, Doctors Marian Pobee and Pauline DeLozier, jointly submitted (for a fee) the following booklets to foreign rights agent Bob Erdmann for representation at the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is all about foreign rights sales. Bob's comments are included below the titles.
Marian and Pauline have happily accepted the offer. This is a first, that I'm aware of, for any Collection of Experts booklets.
* 65 Parenting Tips from a Collection of Experts
* 70 Tips: Thrive in Business in Any Economy - from a Collection of Experts
* 77 Secrets For Parenting Your Child to Succeed - by Marian Pobee
Bob Erdmann: "It’s a reasonably good offer for your small books, from a very good publisher in a developing country ravaged by natural disasters and terrorism. I recommend accepting. Please let me have your ok to accept and we’ll prepare the contracts."
Yes, they are accepting the offer. Just think of what a powerful effect this one effort has prompted by these booklet authors!
Downloads of these booklets are available at in the ebooklet catalog.
Still thinking about writing a booklet or participating in a Collection of Experts? What are you waiting for? Big congrats to Marian and Pauline.
Until next time,
Paulette - thrilled by seeing these results since so many people benefit
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