Hot Topics and Hot Sales for Booklets
What's the hottest topics for writing tips booklets? It the one(s) you get most excited about. Simple as that. Many people talk about writing to topics in great demand. Some oldies and goodies are things like food, kids, pets, money, and sex. If you have to do specific research on a topic and it is a stretch for you to be passionate about it and it needs separate marketing from a business you already have, you are likely to have different (lower!) sales results than when you create products representing something that's meaningful to you and that you're already promoting. It will probably be harder for you to sustain your own interest over time.
In the past few weeks, a wide range of fascinating booklet topics have been birthed by people whose life is represented in their booklet. Here's a sample of those topics:
- How to Choose a Nursing Home - from a geriatric specialist who works in nursing homes
- Tips for Girls Volleyball - from a former pro women's volleyball athlete
- Selecting a Financial Planner & Managing Your Money - from a financial planner
- Self-Care for Caregivers - from a long-time spousal caregiver
- Guide for Single Women to Find Their Guy - from a single female author on the same topic
- Parenting the Troubled Teen - from a pediatrician who works with teens
- Creative Ways to Use Leftovers - from a military wife who does this for her family
The above list doesn't scratch the surface of the thousands of booklet authors, worldwide, who are writing and selling their booklets. These people have a passion for their information and have contacts they are approaching for large-quantity sales.
Next time you ask yourself what the hot topics are for booklets, ask yourself what it is you bubble over about anytime you've got the opportunity to share your knowledge with anyone who will listen. That is your hot topic. Start writing your tips!
Until next time,
Paulette - always happy to explore this with you to discover your hot topic
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