Paper or Pixels?
"Paper or plastic" is a common question posed at the check out stand at many grocery stores. You are asked for your preference of containers to carry out your purchases, even in these times of bringing our own re-useable bags to the store.
There are numerous elements in that exchange that are relevant when it comes to tips booklets and your sales.
When was the last time you asked your buyers (whether single copy or large quantity buyers or even the media) if they wanted the paper or the pixel (PDF) version of your product? People typically have a preference, and sometimes for reasons you might not imagine. Here are just a few things that influence a choice of paper over pixels or pixels over paper:
- immediacy of delivery
- cost
- conservation
- focus on content more than container or other way around
The key thing here is to ask what someone wants. If it turns out more of your people want pixels rather than paper, you directly benefit in both time and money. It costs you less of each to take the buying conversation to the next level. And as for the folks who bring their own bag to the store, well, the parallel to that with booklets turns out to be the licensing deals, where the buyer gets permission from you to do the production themselves.
Until next time,
Paulette - delighted by how pixels are increasingly being chosen, yet paper still matters
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Labels: Bulk Sales, Electronic publishing, Production, Selling
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