License Those Booklet PDFs
Notice the websites you visit that are related to your area of expertise. Some of the sites are huge and have lots of products and services for sale. They probably have no-cost articles on them and maybe some form of a discussion forum, maybe not. Those sites could be about pets, women, moms, food, relationships, money, or any of thousands of subjects.
Unless you just crawled out from under a rock (which I seriously doubt is the case), you're very much aware that there's many ways to drive traffic to websites these days, with all the search engine optimization and link exchanges and key word advertising and more.
One thing that never seems to fail is the offer of something for free as an incentive to visit the store (website) or to buy something. A free special report, or, in this case, a free e-booklet that is full of rock-solid information is an ideal promotional piece to attract traffic to a website.
You have a saleable product in the electronic version of your booklet, right now, as a PDF file. You can grant a non-exclusive license to the owners of various sites to use your PDF to draw more traffic to their website.
Be sure to create a written contract defining the terms of the deal. There's a package of such contracts and consulting for sale at in the Home Study Course section, as well as a shorter amount of information about licensing as a Special Report.
Go leverage that booklet manuscript!
Until next time,