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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

License Those Booklet PDFs

Notice the websites you visit that are related to your area of expertise. Some of the sites are huge and have lots of products and services for sale. They probably have no-cost articles on them and maybe some form of a discussion forum, maybe not. Those sites could be about pets, women, moms, food, relationships, money, or any of thousands of subjects.

Unless you just crawled out from under a rock (which I seriously doubt is the case), you're very much aware that there's many ways to drive traffic to websites these days, with all the search engine optimization and link exchanges and key word advertising and more.

One thing that never seems to fail is the offer of something for free as an incentive to visit the store (website) or to buy something. A free special report, or, in this case, a free e-booklet that is full of rock-solid information is an ideal promotional piece to attract traffic to a website.

You have a saleable product in the electronic version of your booklet, right now, as a PDF file. You can grant a non-exclusive license to the owners of various sites to use your PDF to draw more traffic to their website.

Be sure to create a written contract defining the terms of the deal. There's a package of such contracts and consulting for sale at http://www.tipsbooklets.com in the Home Study Course section, as well as a shorter amount of information about licensing as a Special Report.

Go leverage that booklet manuscript!

Until next time,

Monday, March 28, 2005

I Once Had My Own Radio Program

Ever feel like you're talking to yourself -- with your booklets or any other part of your business? Your market isn't responding, even though you fully believe that you have information of value to get out into the world.

A number of years ago, I had my own weekly radio program that I hosted for six months. It was in a suburb about 30 miles outside New York City, on a Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM, for an hour. It was a call-in show, about getting organized. Each week I'd invite a guest for part of the show and then be on my own for the other part.

Now I enjoy hearing my own voice, to a point. And among my neuroses is not talking to myself. However, that's what it felt like during the part of the show where the guest was not on and I was doing what I could to prompt people to call into the show with their questions or comments. It was so much more fun and more dynamic when people called in. It also ultimately became more fun to be a guest on other people's shows instead of continuing to craft my own from whole cloth each week.

This blog feels somewhat like that. There's a place for people to comment on the entries here in this blog. I know from many years in this business that there are lots of people who are interested in booklets and are fans of this work. However, you, too, may have noticed that there has been only one comment since starting this blog.

Now really, I KNOW you have opinions and comments you'd like to make. Tell me what they are, or at least what topics you'd like to know where I stand on something. Like any relationship that flourishes, it works so much better with interaction than with mind-reading.

I'm rarely at a loss for opinions about things, especially when it comes to booklets and to marketing and to issues regarding small business.
Until then, I'll keep coming up with what runs across my radar. Jump in anytime!


Friday, March 25, 2005

Booklets Teleclass at Unusual Time of Day/Night

Come share an hour together by telephone on Tuesday, March 29. It's (quite) a bit later in the day than I usually do teleclasses. That may make it possible for you to attend if you are not usually available during the day or you live in a time zone that has you sleeping when I am awake.

8:00 PM Eastern
7:00 PM Central
6:00 PM Mountain
5:00 PM Pacific
1:00 AM UK
9:00 AM Weds. - Singapore
noon Weds. - Sydney
1:00 PM Weds - Auckland

I'll be doing my teleclasss on How to Promote Your Business with Booklets. It's an hour that's jam-packed full of information about how to write a booklet, how to get it produced, and, most important, how to sell lots and lots and lots of booklets.

Register for this class at the sponsor's website http://www.jvalert.com/Events.aspx Do it now, since I don't know when I'll be scheduling another class at this point in the day again.

Until next time,

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ever Get a Great Idea and ...

...wonder why everyone around you doesn't also instantly and enthusiastically think it's a great idea? This has happened to me many times throughout my life, in each of the three careers I've had so far, and even before that. It's probably happened to you, too. Maybe once that you can recall, maybe lots of times. Sometimes those ideas just need a minor tweak of some element to make it work beyond your wildest imagination. Sometimes it's nothing more than the fullness of time -- your idea (my idea) just hasn't reached its time yet. I can't tell you how many of THOSE I've had!!

The biggest challenge for me in all of this is like the song says: "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." How much time, money, and energy is the right amount to spend now with the great idea? That's an unknown. I've had ideas, and you have, too, that once the energy about them was released, they seemed to take on life and soar.

You may know some or all of my story about the booklets. My youngest sister once asked me how my stupid little booklets were doing. That was after I'd already sold about 50,000 copies of them. I've had the last laugh on that one, and only after I had the opportunity to exercise lots of patience along the way -- with her and with the sales process.

I'm sitting with some ideas right now (as you are, too), some of which have been recently launched and others that have yet to see the light of day. One idea, in particular, appears to have some element about it that isn't quite right yet, based on the feedback and lack of same from my universe. However, I know in my heart of hearts that it's a viable idea and one that will be useful and valuable to a lot of people, and lucrative for my own business. It could be that the time is not right, though I don't think that's what it is. I think it's got more to do with how it's been structured and how it's been communicated. I'm not letting go of it yet because I believe in it. It's probably like the thought process experienced by the developers of the hoola hoop, pet rock, and the chia pet. All of them, no doubt, had the last laugh once the ironed out any wrinkles in their process.

My reason for sharing these thoughts on this process are several. One is to help me think this through and the other is to let you know you aren't the only one who goes through this conversation with yourself or others in your life. Yes, there's lots written about product development and product launch, in more formal, in-depth ways than anything I am suggesting here.

Stay tuned for the next product launches and let me know what you think.

Creatively guided,

Monday, March 21, 2005

Epublishing - so many choices

Write it Once, Leverage it Many Times - Create an Entire E-Published Product Line from a Single Ebooklet Manuscript

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 2:00 PM Eastern (one hour teleclass by telephone)

'Want to create an information product line without any cost of production or dealing with inventory or managing order fulfillment? And, on top of that, build the entire product line based on a single tips booklet manuscript! Then you will not want to miss this teleclass. It will feel like add water, stir, and out comes a product line, ready for sale in single copies and in large quantities. This one hour on the telephone together will change your life, no matter what your topic.

It's energizing to realize the range of expertise represented by people on these calls. Three different people with three different approaches and knowledge bases about cats and dogs, for instance. Five lay-experts on diabetes, half a dozen unique approaches to parenting, endless ideas about weight loss. Get started with online publishing today. You are going to be amazed by the low barrier to entry and to success. Read more at this link:


I'm doing a lot of teleclasses in the next few months. Be sure to visit http://www.tipsbooklets.com/teleclasses.htm for the latest schedule. More are being added each week and are benefitting a number of worthy philanthropic projects as well as joint ventures with other marketers.

Until next time,

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Best Topics for Booklets Are ...

...the ones you are most excited by and in which you have some experience. Maybe that sounds a little naive, given all the hoopla online about keywords and optimizing your website and blog. Sure, there's lots and lots of searches on words like food, travel, cruise, cats, dogs, kids, education, relationships, single, weight loss, fitness, health insurance, car insurance, love, and, oh yes, of course, sex. (How could we leave THAT out?)

That said, you may be an expert in road safety, table top fountains, a specific type of nursing, accoustical design, or a particular approach to improving your life. You have an audience of individuals and organizations who want your information. It may not be among those highly-searched key words on the Internet, and who cares? You are passionate about your expertise and know how to communicate that to those who also want to know about it.

The best topics for your booklets are the ones you know, the ones you can talk about, the ones that people in and beyond your universe are interested in, and the ones that you're bubbling over with sounds bytes. THOSE are the best topics for booklets.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Cause-related possibilities good for business

I'm very discerning about the causes I support. You probably are, too. For years there has been conversation about going to churches and other non-profits to sell them booklets for them to use as a fundraiser. There are people who have been quite successful at that. Like anything else, it has to resonate for you or it's just not going to happen. The lightbulb has to go off and there has to be some kind of an 'aha' moment to have the enthusiasm to move forward.

You may know I read my mail fairly creatively. It was one of the earliest marketing methods I used to sell lots and lots of booklets. Anyone prospecting me became fair game for me to prospect, if, of course, they were even remotely appropriate.

A few weeks ago, I got a 4-page print newsletter from someone whom I've known peripherally for a handful of years. In that newsletter, there was a half-page article announcing the writer's arrival at president-elect of her midwestern state's entrepreneurial association, and information about a project the group was doing.
The project was to fund a micro-lending bank for women who wanted to start their own business in one of the countries in Africa. I have always been a fan of the micro-lending concept. And the sponsoring group is one that resonates for me.

In very short order, I sent an email to the newsletter editor, commending her for becoming president elect, and offering an idea to do a joint venture that would further support her group's project. Within a very short time (under an hour!) and very few emails (even WITH a committee involved in the buy-in), we nailed down the details of a one-hour teleclass I'll be presenting on How to Promote Your Business with Booklets. It benefits the members of the group directly in their own business, it further supports the group's project, it allows the group to promote the event to potentially draw new members to their group, and it's good for my own business. I've agreed to contribute a portion of the registration fees and a portion of all products and services sold to anyone coming through this group. I've further agreed to process all the registrations and handle all the mechanics involved. The group has agreed to promote the event. I've sent them promotion copy and my publicity photo.

Now none of this is particularly a new idea, and I'm not suggesting that it is. Joint ventures and fund raising have been around for a very long time. My point in sharing this with you, however, is to help increase your awareness of possibilities that may be right under your nose, possibilities that can benefit many entities while bringing you more business. And it can be that much easier to start a conversation about such things when you've already got some open door with the person or group, regardless of how much or how long you know the person or group.

There are lots of people who have been my clients who are already speakers or who want to become speakers. Teleclasses are a wonderful low/no cost way to do speaking engagements and reach a wider audience. Worldwide, in fact. Yes, I know this business is about booklets. Look to see who you know who is looking to raise money for some charitable project or organization. Think about how you can joint venture with them. It may make your conversation easier to start, and bring everyone more money in the process.

What do YOU think about this?

Warm regards,

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Comments accepted

Do you know that this blog is set up to accept your comments? It's rare that booklet authors and would-be booklet authors have nothing to say or no opinions. At least that's been my experience over the years. Please jump in and add a comment to any of my posts on this blog, or send me an email at paulette@tipsbooklets.com about any topic you'd like me to address here. Tell me if you prefer quickie entries like this or would rather read some longer entries or want a combination of both. Do you want my opinions mixed in with specific resources? Do you want to know about case studies? What's your pleasure?

Until the next moment I'm inspired,

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Resource for Baby Boomer and Seniors Expertise

Here's a weekly ezine I've been getting for awhile that has some excellent information on baby boomers worldwide. You can subscribe to it at their website, http://www.theMatureMarket.com

As they say, it's international daily news on the Mature Market by Senior Strategic - Worlwide Experts Network on the Mature Market
