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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Booklets and Business Collaborations

2010 (is that two thousand ten or twenty ten?) has started with collaborations as the theme here at www.tipsbooklets.com In large measure, it is with people who I've known for many years as we've built business relationships in one way or another. These are just a few among the dozens (if not hundreds!) of colleagues I am always eager to recommend to my booklet authors.

Bob Erdmann is THE foreign publishing rights guy, for literally decades. It's great to remind my booklet authors to consider Bob's foreign rights program to expand the reach of their publishing efforts. Contact him now if you're interested. His catalog is closing soon.

Marcia Yudkin has developed products and services for product development and publicity that are ideal for booklet authors. She never ceases to amaze me with the useful perspectives she shares every week in her Marketing Minute.

Yanik Silver creates products and experiences for booklet authors to promote themselves on the Internet, in a huge way. There's a teleclass series starting next week on licensing.

Robert Middleton is the Action Plan guy whose focus is on teaching people to take action to market their small business. He continues attracting people to his work in droves.

Brian Jud focuses on selling books in large quantities to companies and other non-bookstore buyers. He has created several programs to do that for authors after being in this business for many years. He continuously promotes his colleagues in his twice-monthly newsletter.

Joan Stewart is the Publicity Hound, showing booklet authors how to generate publicity for their products and services from her perspective and from that of her loyal followers every week in her newsletter.

Each of these people understands the power of collaboration. It's certainly a large part of what has made each of them the success they are. They realize that everyone involved in any deal must benefit for anyone to benefit. They often go beyond the obvious to create new business relationships. By the way, most of these people have also written at least one booklet at some point, too.

Who is an ideal collaboration partner for you and your business? When will you approach them to open the conversation?

Until next time,
Paulette - looking forward to a weekend of formalized business collaboration in San Francisco this weekend


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Licensing - An Entire Series Starts Next Week

You may have read or heard about licensing your booklet and your booklet's content. It's something I tripped over many years ago and have done numerous times. It's untapped income for many information product developers.

Yanik Silver, the hugely successful Internet marketer, not only knows about licensing. He knows the value of teaching others about it. In fact, I'm honored by the fact he's invited me to be one of several people he interviews in a 6-session series that starts next week.

He's added some bonuses onto this series that are more than I'd ever be offering. If you already own my licensing package, that's all the more reason for you to invest in this. It goes the next steps beyond what I've put together.

And even if you can't attend the sessions live, you can invest in the recordings and receive the bonuses. He's also likely to increase the price of this after this initial offering.

Ready to sign up? Go here.

I'm including the entirety of one of his recent emails so you can see for yourself how much he really does "get" it. He also answers some frequently asked questions:


A few days ago I sent you an email about a weird way that I've been
using to create multiple sources of revenue that I just made
available called...

"Underground Licensing Profits Masterclass"

This 6 part LIVE series walk you through all the different ways you
can "Rent" your existing content to create brand new profit streams
that require virtually zero work after they're set-up one-time. The
first class begins on February 4th so the deadline to sign-up is
February 3, 2010.


Find out all the details here:



This MasterClass has created quite a stir in our world. And since
the deadline is coming up I didn't want you to miss out because I
might have missed telling you everything you needed to know or
maybe I didn't answer your questions.

That's why I've put together a list of "frequently asked
questions" in this e-mail to dispel any confusion and
answer any remaining questions you might have about this one-time
only Masterclass.

QUESTION #1 - "Isn't licensing really complex and complicated?

Yes and no.

There a lot of different variations of licensing that make it
complex but we're only focusing on one tiny sliver for smart
entrepreneurs, information marketers and content creators.

The easiest way to explain licensing is to think of Mickey Mouse.
Companies pay Disney millions and millions of dollars to 'license'
the right to use Mickey on all sorts of products. Disney doesn't
manufacturer them - they simply collect the cash. (In fact, over
$15B per year!)

You have valuable property (which you might not even realize) that
other companies are eager to license.

QUESTION #2 - "But I'm not Mickey Mouse, KISS or Donald Trump, how
can my business possibly take advantage of licensing?

Most of us (me included) aren't going to license our names or
designs for t-shirts, buildings or 100s of other products. But
there's a tiny sliver of the licensing world that makes all the
sense in the world for us information marketers or content creators...

In fact, there are 6 very profitable (and simple) ways you can
license your material that I explain in the presentation on the
site. I'll introduce you to real-world people who have been quietly
cashing-in (like I have) without anywhere near as famous as Mickey

For example, I've licensed many of my works to Japan. I have
friends making a killing selling their fitness products in Spanish
and German. But that's just one way. I've licensed one of my info
products to a person in the Veterinary marketplace.

Or my friend Bob S., who took one single proven sales letter and
did a 15-minute tweak to it and then rented it out to 11 different
companies - who paid him hundreds of thousands in royalties to use

How about Brendon B.? He went from nearly bankrupt to figuring this
out. In the process he got a major non-profit to pay him for his
material for each and every student they work with. And the kicker
is they reach 250,000 kids a year! (Kaching!)

There's also C.J. H.? C.J. decided to take her educational material
and let 700 other trainers and coaches from 13 different countries
teach it. Now she's got automatic revenue rolling in and she can
focus on her passion of helping social entrepreneurs.

And you'll love this one...Paulette E., has been profiting for nearly
two decades by letting a company produce and repurpose her little
3,500 word tips booklet.

Awesome, right? If this sounds intriguing...you'll want to watch the
informative presentation here:

QUESTION #3 - "Isn't this stuff about licensing already out there?
Why would I want to be on these calls?"

Finding the right information can be seriously challenging. Even if
you do a search for licensing on the internet, you're going to come
up with a whole bunch of stuff... but nothing that'll piece it all
together, especially for information markets or content creators
like us.

I know because I've been there, and tried to get information and
actually spent thousands learning about this while spinning my
wheels and making more false starts than a 3rd grade swim meet...

This is cutting edge stuff that no one, I mean no one is talking


QUESTION #4 - "What if I don't have an information product or

Even if you don't think this applies to you - you can
still be the 'middle man' or broker and bring 2 parties
together. There is a significant untapped opportunity here.

Think about the potential here. You simply approach someone with a
great product or content and tell them you're going to show them
ways to create new profit streams that pay them each month. Don't
you think they'd be eager to hear about this? Hell yeah! In fact,
I'd be interested in finding a licensing broker that can get our
deals done.


QUESTION #5 - "Do I need to be on all 6 live sessions?"

Absolutely not! I understand we are all busy. You'll get to listen
in on all 6 Underground Licensing Profits MasterClass sessions and
ask questions on the line. But if you cannot make it - you'll get
access to all the calls right on your computer. So if you can't
make a call or want to review the information - you can always
reference it. You'll also be able to download them and rip them to
your MP3 player or iPod if you like.

QUESTION #7 - "What else do I need to do in order to take advantage
of licensing in my business?"

Not much.

Because there are some special unique bonuses we're throwing in to
get you on the fast-track immediately!

Bonus #1: Licensing Agreements You'll get a series of licensing
agreements and contract examples for you to use, swipe and model.
(Note: You still might want to check with an attorney but at least
this will save you significantly in fees.)

Bonus #2: Top Secret Licensee Directory: You'll get access to a
directory filled with potential licensees who are eager to market &
sell your product in their country, in their niche or to their
group of customers.

Bonus #3: Your Listing in the Content Licensor Directory: You'll
also get a listing to showcase your information product, idea or
content that's available to potential licensees. This way potential
licensees will seek you out.

QUESTION #7 - "When does this start?"

The 6 LIVE telephone sessions with me interviewing several
real-world experts will start Feb 4th and continue approx 2/week
until Feb 23rd, 2010

And don't worry if you cannot make every call, as I said earlier,
we'll be recording the whole thing and you will have access to
listen and review all the calls.


Go here now for all the details:


Like I said at the beginning, I just wanted to send you
this email to clear up any questions you had, but if you
still have any other questions or concerns please do not
hesitate to open up a ticket @surefiremarketing.com/support and a
member of our customer support term will be happy to help you.

Please check it out now before the deadline - this Masterclass goes
away on February 3 at midnight. Don't kick yourself for missing

All the best,

Yanik Silver

P.S. And if you watch the presentation 'til the end there's a
special bonus linked to my upcoming Underground Online
Seminar 6 where you can get the Licensing Profits MasterClass for

That's right because the Early-Bird deadline for Underground 6 is
February 3rd too - and we're throwing in this entire MasterClass
for all early-bird sign-ups.


Until next time,
Paulette - excited to see Yanik's commitment to bringing licensing information to you


Thursday, January 21, 2010

3 Ways Tips Booklets Work for You

As a business owner, whether solopreneur or involved in a larger business, there are many ways a tips booklet works for you. Here are three to get you started thinking (and creating!):

1. They further educate your client or prospect as a leave-behind or a preview of your services.

2. They give your colleagues a better idea of your expertise so they can refer you to their contacts.

3. They serve as an income stream unto themselves when you sell them in bulk to companies and associations to help them promote their product, service, or cause by using the booklet as a gift.

What other uses can you identify, that you've experienced or are considering?

Until next time,
Paulette - who knows little tips booklets bring big results


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Booklets and Loving Your Vendors

How do you treat your booklet vendors? Do you treat them like gold because they are so valuable to you? Or do you take them for granted because, after all, you're paying them good money, right?

Today's post comes from both sides of the vendor/client equation. Over the years, there have been graphic designers, printers, audio duplicators, packaging resources, editors, virtual assistants and more who have been the unsung heroes in my business. Okay, I do sing about them whenever possible, as you may already know. However, they are the crucial people who are typically behind the scenes. They are the ones who really make or break my business. And that's no exaggeration, and I let them know that in no uncertain terms.

I treat them with respect and appreciation, and I periodically thank them out of the blue, quite sincerely. Each of them goes well beyond the least that's expected of them, and usually with grace. The few who don't are no longer part of the "family." Simple as that.

Most of my clients treat me and my business and my vendors with respect and appreciation, too, as one of their vendors. Every so often, someone comes along who doesn't. I don't think it's malice. I think it's thoughtlessness. Okay, sometimes it's some misguided sense of entitlement that rears its head. Usually, though, they are so wrapped up in their own "stuff" that they forget that someone pitched in to ease their journey. It may have been a quick turn-around in their time crunch or some useful marketing input or a range of other possibilities. But no simple "thank you" was forthcoming.

Take a look at who serves your best interests in a supporting role. Thank them. Tell them you appreciate what they do. The return on that investment is huge.

Until next time,
Paulette - who needed to get that little mini-rant off her chest, and who adores her vendors


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Booklets - Formal and Informal Education and Formats

How do you like to learn? Do you prefer a formal, measured approach or are you more like me, learning by observation of what goes on in life as it happens, happily tripping over things in the self-discovery process?

Do you learn best by reading, listening, interacting, or some of each? Can you focus yourself enough to do it without someone imposing a schedule on you?

Once you look at your own preferences, it becomes more obvious why it's important for you to provide your knowledge, your expertise in a variety of ways so that you best serve your clients and your business.

A tips booklet is the starting point to other ways to deliver your information. A scheduled teleclass (based on your booklet) that's recorded and even transcribed covers a wide range of preferences, too.

Offering some information for free and attaching a price to other information also fills the range of possibilities. After all, some people want to dip their toe in the water first before investing time and money with you, while others view a free offer as having little merit.

You can learn a ton about growing your business by attending a series of free teleseminars next week, where I will be one of a dozen experts teaching about everything from managing and marketing your business to time management, tips booklets, promotion, and much more. You'll also have the opportunity to get the recordings of these sessions. Get more info and sign up at


Go to this link to explore some other upcoming learning opportunities I'm involved with that you'll want to

attend, especially if you're a Virtual Assistant or know one.


Until next time,

Paulette - bringing you learning opportunities where one size does not fit all




Monday, January 11, 2010

Booklets - Shoulda, Coulda, and You Know How That Goes

This morning a new tips booklet author (though previously published book author) told me on the phone "Writing a booklet is something I should have done 10 years ago." I gave a non-reply to that comment, since there’s really no point in fueling that fire, is there?

I’ve known this booklet author to have several false starts on doing in a booklet in the past 5 or so years. Not until being accepted to participate in a particularly coveted event did this booklet author knuckle down to write the several thousand words, all within a couple days!

There’s two primary things at play here:

  • Priorities – everyone has them, more or less clearly defined
  • Value – reason(s) for having a booklet

So, apparently this booklet author should NOT have written his booklet 10 years ago, based on results. He had other priorities, and didn’t see the value until now.

His booklet will be edited this week and sent to the graphic designer and printer within a few days after the editing is done. He’s likely to have one or more sponsors to distribute his booklet at the event that prompted this booklet to finally happen. My hunch is that the booklet will be a huge winner. I’ll let you know when it’s ready for prime time, probably by the first of the month.

Are you spending any energy "shoulding" on yourself? Or is it time to get on with it and get yours done?

Until next time,

Paulette - who moved some things forward today on her own to-do list.




Thursday, January 07, 2010

Booklet Surprises

Once in awhile something surprises me when it comes to tips booklets. Those surprises are typically in the realm of another way to produce it or another way to sell it. After all, the technological changes that have happened throughout the past two decades have been huge. That's what tends to surprise me at this point.

What has surprised you about tips booklets? Was it about how easy or difficult it was to write it, produce it, sell it? Inquiring minds want to know.

Until next time,
Paulette - open to many possibilities

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Booklets and Brilliance Abound

"If you're waiting to write a book(let), you're a waiter not a writer."

Someone recently shared the above comment made by the great self-publishing guru, Dan Poynter. I then passed it along on Facebook this week and now here to you, embellishing it ever so slightly to reference booklets. Dan still definitely gets the credit, however, for inspiring me to write about it. Dan inspires lots of people to do lots of things. That's just the kind of person he is.

What ARE you waiting for anyway, huh? There are so many things in your experiences, expertise, and observations that can be helpful to others in the world. You have a unique perspective, a unique path, a unique way to express yourself. Pick something that appeals to you in some way, start writing tips about it, and create booklets and other information products based on it. Your information may be related to your current business or it could spur an entire new direction for you to explore, once you stop waiting.

Generally twice a week I bring you these blog posts. They are inspired by my knowledge, observations, and opinions. Some posts are more helpful to you than others. That's just the way it is. I never know which ones will appeal to which readers at what point in time. That does not stop the posts from being written pretty consistently twice a week.

How long have you been waiting and what the heck are you waiting for?? Someone will find your knowledge, observations, and opinions helpful. You wouldn't want to deny them that, would you? Nah, I didn't think so. And, as it turns out, it really doesn't matter how long you've waited. Do it now.

Until next time,
Paulette - realizing if it's Tuesday it must be blog time