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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Remind the People You Already Know

There was a query the other day in Peter Shankman’s Help a Reporter daily media requests that was from a person I know. In fact, I’ve known her for a number of years. She was seeking guests for her new radio show about people who have been successful with developing a niche. Well, that would certainly be me. So I emailed her about my interest and availability. She replied enthusiastically that I would be ideal.

While two things were very much in my favor, she needed a reminder that I exist. The two things are

• My content fits perfectly into the description of who she wants as a guest.
• She already knows me and has heard me speak, so I am a no-risk guest who delivers the goods.

Stay in front of your people with your booklets and other information products. Your people have lots of things on their mind. Help them make you one of them!

Until next time,
Paulette - who has reaped and shared many rewards by staying connected
www.PublishingProsperity.com - recent birth

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Positive, Negative or Both

While rarely using absolutes, I always suggest writing booklet tips starting with a positive verb, telling the reader what to do. It's more useful, in my opinion. Yes, political campaigns and the nightly news and even some information products experts prefer to hang out in the negative, exhorting what NOT to do. Not my cup 'o tea.

Saying "don't do this" leaves the reader or listener without useful resources unless it's followed up with what TO do. So then why not just start with the positive, saying what TO do?

And as we've seen with the political campaigns, tearing down anyone else in the contest elevates no one, which has always made me wonder what any colleagues in a given field think they accomplish by doing that. I prefer to follow the lead of people like Dan Poynter or Yanik Silver or Ali Brown, who you will never hear or read a word of anything but positive that they say about anyone. I've got to believe they've got opinions. Who doesn't? They have each accomplished what they have, in part, by the professional relationships they've established. And they know the value of working together.

Tell your readers what TO do, with suggestions on who else serves them well. We're all in this together, learning from each other, and helping each other thrive by every definition.

Thus ends the rant.

Until next time,

Paulette - enjoying the many relationships fostered in the past few decades, with more to come
www.PublishingProsperity.com = recently born


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Variety Is the Spice of Life Regardless of Circumstances

The new site launched last week at www.PublishingProsperity.com is off to a fabulous start. Forget that the launch was during the worst week in US economic history since the Great Depression. So what? When I did my booklet in 1991, I started an entire new business at a time the economy was dragging bottom, too. The simple mantra, no matter what the circumstance, is "Just Keep Going."

Since the new site opened last Thursday, it's been interesting to observe human behavior, which is always fascinating to me anyway. Lots of reinforcement for what I've been teaching for a long time. Read on to see why, and how it relates to the whole realm of information products.

People have asked questions that were already answered on the Guest Home page of the new site. Those folks are probably either not visual learners or have limited patience, or both. That reinforces the point about having your content in different formats so there's something for every learning style and every personality style.

Some or many of those same people are like me, naturally short on patience a lot of the time. They are "bottom line" and want their specific issues addressed (fast) without having to plow through lots of copy. So they phoned me or emailed (mostly phoned) and asked their specific questions, which I was happy to answer. Again, some great reinforcement for having your content in brief format for those personality styles who respond best to that.

Some people like to ponder a decision while others jump right in. Some want to get the very best financial deal, and others want the top of the line and the most that is offered. Other people want to stick their toe in the water, go slowly, gather as much information as possible, and then take action. By providing different features and different prices, both with your products and at my site, there's a greater likelihood of finding a match and making a sale.

Have you checked out the new site yet for yourself? Oh, you'd rather call me? Got it. Either is fine.

Until next time,
Paulette - who is enjoying the new energy surge
phone: 858-481-0890 - Pacific Time Zone

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paulette Ensign's Publishing Prosperity Mastermind. is Born

It's no secret that selling single copies of single publications to single buyers is a tough way to get very far. Yet many people (maybe you!) think that's the only way publishing goes. That's so yesterday. Today is about doing it differently and doing it your way -- getting your message further and having a great time making lots more along the way.

Today is the launch of a reality based resource for you: Paulette Ensign's Publishing Prosperity Mastermind. The structure is similar to some sites. The content is far from it, focusing on one-to-many, not one-to-one.

  • Develop a published product line in various formats, online and offline, from a single publication, no matter where you start. This is way beyond booklets or even books, whether that's where you are or you've never done one.

  • Sell your information products in bulk and license them to corporations, associations, publications, and websites. No more selling one copy to one end-user. And more than "what," we'll show you "how."

In fact, nowhere can you get ongoing support and information about selling different formats of your content in bulk to single buyers. We're not talking 10 or 100 copies. We're talking thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and more, creating something once, licensing it many times.

  • Catapult your publishing prosperity at the speed of light.
  • Straighten your learning curve from point A to point B
  • Dilute your sense of isolation.
  • Have fun developing your publications.
  • Make new friends and colleagues.
  • Generate more money.
  • Go places you never knew existed.

Yes, you'll get interviews with experts. Yes, the interviews will be recorded and transcribed for your continued reference. Yes, you'll have a monthly "open mike" to ask questions. Yes, you'll get a members-only discussion board, newsletter, and articles. And yes, you get members-only prices. Familiar structure. New content.

Get all of this from the beginning, at the best possible prices, with more new stuff monthly. Charter member prices will never increase while continuing your membership. No obligation or contract. Choices to suit your style and checkbook.

Go see for yourself now at www.PublishingProsperity.com and tell everyone you know to do the same. The affiliate program can even reduce or eliminate your own membership investment entirely. I'm ready -- are you?

Prosperously yours,




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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Makes It All Happen?

A quote I read the other day gave me pause about how and why some people are ragingly successful in their business (booklets and otherwise) and happy in their life, and others have a different experience.


"... the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances."

-- Martha Washington 1731-1802
American First Lady (George's wife!)


You may be someone who, in a stable full of horse droppings, considers that there must be a wonderful pony in there somewhere. Or you may, instead, focus on the scent. Look at your business and see what you can do to make any necessary course corrections toward where you want things to go, no matter what the circumstance. Is it a title change, a price change, bundling your products, unbundling your products, expanding your product line by adding another format of your content, identifying a new market for what you've got, doing more publicity and promotion?

What makes it all happen? You do!

Until next time,
Paulette -- revving up to Thursday's launch of something to further help you make it all happen

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Than Booklets

Have you ever found yourself frustrated and feeling limited by the tips format? I know many of my clients and audiences have. Instead of seeing it for the starting point that it is and can be, they sometimes see it as the finish line, the end-all-be-all. For some people it is that finish line, and that's fine. They do one tips booklet or a series of tips booklets. No problem. For others, it's the start of something big in the way of product development.

By the way, there's no right answer here. But you already knew that, didn't you?

The tip-writing formula I teach is just that. It's a formula. It works for people who want a very specific road map of something that works well. Not only is it often a finished product unto itself, it's often the jumping off point, as an outline or framework for other formats. That can include a more narrative publication, or audio, or a workbook, or a journal, or endless other possibilities.

Regardless, you get to choose what to do, which can look lots of different ways. Like I said, there's no right answer here.

Until next time,
Paulette - who encourages possibilities

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Teach Your Booklet Buyers as They Teach You

You and your large-quantity booklet buyers each know things the other doesn't. They know ways to use your booklets to help them accomplish their corporate or association goals that you couldn't possibly know because you don't live in their world. You know applications they can use to help them accomplish their goals that they just never considered because they've always done what they've always done.

Years ago a company used a tips booklet as an incentive for people on their direct mail list to let it be known they were receiving duplicate copies of mailings. It was less expensive for the company to give away a tips booklet than to continue sending duplicate mailings. The booklet author had no idea about this usage because she didn't live in the client's world.

A company recently licensed the PDF version of a booklet to use as a thank-you for subscribing to the company's online newsletter. It never occurred to the company to do this until the booklet author suggested it. The company has seen a marked increase in the number of subscribers by offering this valuable booklet.

Teach and learn, learn and teach -- collect more money as a result.

Until next time,
Paulette - open to sharing the ideas and the wealth


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bulk Promotional Distribution at Conferences

You may have heard me suggest that a great way to sell booklets and other information products in bulk is to associations and conference producers, especially when a sponsor for the event is the one footing the bill for the product.

A notice arrived this week about a page-a-day calendar in which I was fortunate to be included with a tip. The organizer of the calendar is actively promoting and selling it, both through the contributors to the calendar and way beyond that.

Her notice was about the launch of this 2009 calendar being at an upcoming event, where the calendars would be on the tables of the gala dinner of 400 guests. Here's part of the announcement.

The 2009 Woman's Advantage Calendar will be launched

at the national conference of Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) in

Washington, DC next week. The calendar will be placed on all tables at the

annual gala dinner on Monday night and I will address the anticipated audience

of 400 to share with them some of my favorite tidbits of advice from the calendar.

Mary Cantando

Gain The Woman's Advantage in Business

1013 Erin's Way
Raleigh, NC 27614

I asked Mary if she was donating them for promotional purposes or if a sponsor was providing them. Being the smart business person she is, Mary has had sponsors both last year and this year for the calendar. How much ya wanna bet that some or many of those recipients will want to order copies of that calendar for people they know? The sponsor paid Mary to market Mary. Way to go, Mary!

Until next time,

Paulette - always loving it when someone goes "one to many" instead of "one to one."


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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Reinventing Booklets and Other Business

There's been a theme coming at me a lot lately, of people commenting on how amazed they are with my continuing to expand, modify, create, and morph what started off as a one-title booklet business in 1991.

There's a few things that have caused that to happen, and they are worth sharing with you.

First, I get bored, don't you? Well, maybe you don't. Maybe it takes a lot more for you to be bored than it does me. So I have to keep myself interested and even amused. That's one motivator.

Another is when a revenue stream goes drier than I'd like. I'm fond of good cash flow. Sometimes that, too, comes from boredom, either on my part (for new approaches to my markets) or on the part of my markets.

Speaking of my markets, they often tell me what they want, which has prompted more than a few new products and services or new formats of some products or services in my business. Now this one is really the crux of it, and it's really simple. Two words: pay attention.

Pay attention to what you're hearing and seeing, both within your business and outside of it. You may notice a new product, service, or format that you feel is worth experimenting with in your own business. It could be something that no one knew they wanted until you presented it. Or it could be something your clients, customers, patients, subscribers, prospects or anyone else has been informing you they wanted and you didn't pay attention...until now.

Pay attention, do something new, and see what happens.

Until next time,
Paulette - morphing one more time on September 18

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