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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Booklet Author Pushes Rock Uphill

This morning's email brought the following from a booklet author who is a successfully published book author (several times over), who has been struggling with writing a booklet, and has finally seen things from a different perspective.


I am so grateful to you for this terrific idea. I didn't realize how valuable it would be to me until last evening. I had a call from a TV guy in London doing a documentary on my topic. I think I told you earlier. We have been corresponding by email rather than phone due to the 8 hour difference in time. But last night I realized that if I sent him a PDF of my booklet that it would be so much better than sending him a copy of my book. First it would get there immediately, second it wouldn't cost me anything, and third and most important of all he can get a bird's eye view of my system in just a few minutes. You can't do this with the book. You'd have to read at least the first four chapters to get the over-all picture. I'm really happy about this. I'm glad I stuck with it. It was really hard for me to think in this way. Thanks again.


I rest my case.

Until next time,
Paulette - thanking my clients for teaching me patience

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Booklets, M & M's, and the Right Moment

Tips booklets have long been recommended as promotional items, to be imprinted with a company's name and logo, and handed out at trade shows from their booth, among many other applications for these booklets.

Candy is also something that has frequently been seen as giveaways at trade show booths, sometimes imprinted with the company's name, often not.

Recently there were several advertisements from the company who makes the chocolate candy, M & M's, focused on imprinting a company's name on each round bit of their candy. There's several things worth pointing out about that, any of which could be a "so what" if not analyzed.

  • The company making M & M's has been in business a very long time, yet they are just now offering to imprint some other company logo or name than their own on their candy.
  • The company has, in fact, been printing their own M & M logo on their candy all this time.
  • There are at least two multi-floor stores (Las Vegas and New York City) that have the M & M logo on hundreds and hundreds of other products besides their candy.
Here's why this can all be useful to you. A company as big as and established as the one that makes M & M's didn't think about offering to print other company's logos on their candy until fairly recently apparently. In spite of their longevity and collective brainpower, this is only happening now.

  • Lesson 1 - No one can think of everything.
  • Lesson 2 - There are many models to follow once they are noticed.
  • Lesson 3 - It need not be costly to expand your market or product line.
  • Lesson 4 - Booklets more nutritionally promote your product, service, or cause.
  • Lesson 5 - There's always more to discover.

Until next time,
Paulette - who has always enjoyed M & M's and loves them even more now

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Friday, July 27, 2007

1001 Ways to Do Booklet Marketing

Have you ever looked at any edition of John Kremer's 1001 Ways to Market Your Books? Yes, I know it says "books" and we're talking "booklets" here. However, there are so many great ideas in there that readily transfer. Yes, the book is 700 pages, and the indices had to be put online because they would just not fit into this already huge and excellent resource.

John, himself, is forever saying there's no way anyone could or even should (a word I rarely use) do everything in the book. However, he does one of the best jobs of anyone I know of broadening the horizons of a writer or publisher.

His sixth edition came out a year ago. It's the third edition I've got on my shelf. And each one is substantially bigger than the one before. Get yourself a copy of this book ASAP, and grab a few packages of sticky notes so you can identify the zillions of pages that appeal to you.

Until next time,
Paulette - who is never ceased to be amazed by the many possibilities


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Marketing a Networking Booklet

This news release was done by one of the participants in the recently-created Collection of Experts on Networking. Each participant in the booklet markets all the others in the booklet each and every time the booklet is sold or distributed in any way. Sharan Tash of the Chicago area was the catalyst for this booklet to happen, and took the initiative to write and send out this release. She gets it about how this can all work! You can participate in a booklet like this, too. Ask me how.


Secrets To Boosting Your Business Success >From Experts That Know

Does the thought of networking send you into a panic? Would you like an easy to read format for strategic networking success? Do you want to learn what other business professionals have already learned and are willing to share? The Professional Networker ®, Inc. and The Booklet Queen have collaborated with several "networked" business people to bring networking tips to everyone in the form of a Tips Booklet.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) July 26, 2007 -- Sharan Tash, the originator of "Boomerang Networking"™, and Paulette Ensign, founder and chief visionary of Tips Products International , have published a tips booklet on how successful business professionals have made referrals and networking a primary marketing strategy for growing their businesses. Each networking professional provided tips on what has worked for them in their industry and personal life, along with contact information for themselves and their business.

62 Tips are provided in this booklet with 5-6 tips by each of the following professionals:

  • Sharan Tash - The Professional Networker, Inc - from Wilmette, IL
  • Paulette Ensign - Tips Products International - from San Diego
  • Tom Huberty - Huberty Performance Learning, LLC - from Minneapolis
  • Tripti Kasal - Real Living Infinity - from Chicago
  • Dean Klassman - Klassman Financial - Arlington Heights, Illinois
  • Pam Perry - Ministry Marketing Solutions - Farmington, Michigan
  • Shirley Poll - The Family Care Givers - from West New York, NJ
  • Susan Reid - Alkamae - from Laird, Virginia
  • Nicki Shuh - Heartfelt Charity Cards - from Libertyville, Illinois
  • Anna Maria Viti-Welch - Guy Viti Insurance - from Highwood, Illinois
  • Anne Wayman - Anne Wayman - from San Diego

"There are so few people that truly get the basic concept of giving first in strategic relationship networking. Collaborating on this project was a natural segue not only for my business, but for showcasing some of the true givers in the business networking community. By helping these great connectors become published, I am giving first without asking for anything in return," said Tash.

Ensign adds, "Teaching people to transform their knowledge into booklets and other information products for marketing, motivating, and making money is a great tool for busy professionals that want to share their knowledge."

To learn more about The Professional Networker® and Boomerang Networking™, or to learn about the power of Tips Booklets and how to use them as a marketing tool, contact Sharan Tash at 847-571-0338 , sharan @ TheProNetworker.com, sharan@sharantash.com or Paulette Ensign at 858-481-0890 or paulette @ tipsbooklets.com.

Copies of the booklet can be purchased by emailing one of the authors above.

"I have no right to ask you for anything unless I have first helped you in some way."

Sharan Tash – Professional Speaker

The Pay It Forward Relationship Networker

The Professional Networker, Inc.



NAWBO-Chicago President’s Award Winner - 2007

NAWBO National Rookie of the Year - 2004

NAWBO-Chicago Board of Directors

Chicagoland Chamber Ambassador

National Speaker’s Association-Illinois Chapter – Membership Chair

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Booklet Author Groups

Many booklet authors are solo entrepreneurs, even if they have a "day job." The booklet development is often done in a vacuum. It can sometimes seem to present barriers and dead ends when looking to generate enthusiasm and new ideas for marketing.

There are now more booklet authors than there have ever been in the past 15-16 years. You can form small groups with other booklet authors, no matter where you are located or what your area of expertise. It's completely possible for your group to "meet" by phone on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) through resources like www.FreeConferenceCall.com.
One person signs up for an account and distributes the phone number to the others in the group, for everyone to call at a designated time. You can certainly exchange lots of information, manuscripts, and product sheets by email among your group.

Your group can create it's own format and agenda, invite guests, hire me to facilitate, or do whatever serves your group best. You can form a collaborative booklet from your group, or form a group because you did a collaborative booklet together. (www.CollectionOfExperts.com)

Working solo does not mean you need to remain isolated.

Until next time,
Paulette - encouraging you to get what you need to be successful

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Formats and Crossover

Some content crosses over to other formats and some does not. I frequently suggest developing your content at least as a booklet, and audio CD, and a card deck, plus a downloadable PDF, MP3, and autoresponder series.

The reality is that not all content can successfully make that trip from one format to another. Imagine a booklet about exercise for staying healthy sitting all day at your computer. Ideally it needs some illustrations attached to the text. Yes, you can explain the exercises out loud. Some people will be able to follow those verbal instructions and others will not. The visual presentation will probably be more effective than an audio presentation without the visuals.

The same is true for a booklet on handwriting analysis. Talking about how a "t" is crossed or how fat the loop is below the line on an "f" are better presented visually than by audio.

Once you realize where your content fits, do everything you can to exploit that medium. Visuals can be produced in booklets, PDF's, card decks, autoresponders, and anything else that accepts printing. Audio can be done as a CD and an MP3 and as podcasts, audio sound bites, and many other audio applications.

Keep looking and listening beyond the obvious. You'll find all kinds of surprises there!

Until next time,
Paulette - blasting out past those limits

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Monday, July 23, 2007

You're an Expert, and ...

... people do whatever they decide to do in spite of your best suggestions to them.

Whether you are an author, consultant, speaker, coach, or other flavor business owner, you have a body of knowledge that you share with those who say they want it. You know, at the core of your being, that what you are suggesting works. You pass it along in any format that you do, eager for the recipient to experience the same joy from the results that you know they can.

And what do they do? They do it their own way. Yes, of course free will is important. Yes, of course you want to treat people as intelligent and mature human beings who can make their own best decisions for themselves. Yet you know they are about to stab themselves in the foot by taking that other fork in the road.

You know your advice is good, and that they can benefit by what you've got. What can you do?

Let it go. They will either realize the error of their ways and make a shift (including coming back to you later and saying the wiser choice would have been to do what you said), or they will get the results they get.

You've done everything you can do.

Until next time,
Paulette - wondering why people would challenge a successful formula

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Friday, July 20, 2007

1000 Booklets Collecting Dust in a Box

It happened again this week. A booklet author contacted me in total and complete frustration. The story went like this: "I bought your home study kit years ago, printed 1,000 copies of my booklet, have had very little success selling them through my website and my own good-sized list, and I'm ready to give up on this. So, I realized I never redeemed the 30-minute phone consult that came with the kit, and decided that would be my last ditch effort."

It's such an amazement to me when I hear this story. It was immediately obvious as to what had happened. The author was singularly and exclusively focused on selling single copies directly to end users, who, for whatever their reasons, were not the market for the booklet.

Additionally, the author could have short-circuited the frustration and turned this all around by scheduling the consultation sooner. We did, in fact, turn it all around during the time on the phone, breathing new life into the booklet and the author, big time.

It's not a coincidence that 90% of "How to Promote Your Business with Booklets" is directed to selling in bulk to single buyers. It's also not a coincidence that there is a consulting session packaged with the home study kit. While I encourage and respect people's ability and right to make their own best choices, well, this is a path and process that works so why not follow it and use the tools you acquired in the package?

At least this client did make an excellent choice before completely throwing in the towel. I can't wait to hear reports of how a buyer says "gee, you only have 1,000 copies available immediately? How long will it take to get a few thousand more?"

Until next time,
Paulette - sharing with you what I know works


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Easiest Booklet Promotion You'll Ever Do

You have a story of your own, whether you realize it or value it, or not. Some part of that story is useful to an author or editor who is putting together a book of some kind. I have contributed to well over a dozen books in the past decade. Yesterday's mail brought my gift copy of the most recent contribution:

The New Writer's Handbook 2007, Edited by Philip Martin, published by http://www.ScarlettaPress.com I'm in some excellent company among the other contributors to this book.

It's a fairly common thing that people are looking for contributors to a book they are writing. Once in while you pay to be in the book, which John Kremer has done with his recent editions of "1001 Ways to Market Your Book." On rare occasion you are paid a small honorarium to be in the book. More often no money is exchanged at all.

You can find writers looking for contributors in many places. Two places are one the the newsletters that Dan Poynter puts out each month, (it's his Marketplace newsletter). More info at www.ParaPub.com The other I know about it at www.WritersWeekly.com They have a place on their forum for people seeking contributors to books. By keeping an eagle eye on these and other places, all kinds of opportunities present themselves.

Oh, and why do you want to do this at all? Let's put it this way. Whenever anyone contacts me because they read about me in a book, they are already in "buying mode." Plus it's a great way to be IN a book without WRITING a book!

Until next time,
Paulette - reaping the benefits of other people's marketing

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Booklets and The Art of Follow Up

An article this week in Robert Middleton's "Get More Clients" newsletter rang true for me about what's involved in following up with bulk buyers of booklets and other formats of your content.

For your reading and bottom-line pleasure, here it is.

What's the most important marketing skill? You might be
surprised at the answer.

It's not having a great marketing message, powerful marketing
materials and a bullet-proof marketing plan. All of those are
certainly important but not as important as...


In my teleclasses and talks, I joke how people are looking for a
"killer marketing message" that will make people jump up and
down with excitement when they hear it. Sorry, but that's as
much of a myth as unicorns or a balanced national budget.

But people want to believe that myth, so they spend forever
trying to perfect their message. Look, all your message can get
you is some initial attention. That's all.

And virtually every single marketing action after that is follow-up.

When someone shows some interest in your services (when you
deliver a decent, but not mythical, marketing message), you need
to follow-up with some more information.

Once they've read that information, you need to follow-up to
determine if there's a deeper interest. And if there's a deeper
interest, then you need to follow-up to set up an appointment.

But it doesn't end there.

Once you have an appointment, you need to follow-up to confirm
that appointment (yes, people flake out). And once you've had
the appointment you need to follow-up with a proposal or to close
the sale. Follow-up never ends.

Follow-Up Secrets

Here are some follow-up secrets I've learned over the years that
are important to understand and master if you're going to attract
more clients.

1. Know where you are in the game

When you follow-up with someone, the purpose is to move the
prospect from one base in the marketing game to the next base.
If you try to jump bases (or move too fast), you tend to get
rejected by the prospect. If you move too slow with your follow-
up, you loose the interest you've generated up to that point.

2. Don't move too fast

When you get someone's interest (say at a networking meeting)
and then say you'd like to call back to talk with them, that's fine.
But when you make that call and immediately try to set up an
appointment, you'll likely get some resistance.

Remember, people want more familiarity and some information
before they meet with you. So your follow-up system needs to
build that in. One way to do this is with pre-written emails and
links to articles or to your web sites.

3. Don't move too slow

If you give a talk and get cards from people who are interested in
knowing more about your services, how soon should you follow-
up? The very next day. For each day you don't follow-up, interest
wanes. If you have only a few follow-ups, use the phone. If you
have many, send an email to set up a time to talk in the
upcoming week.

Stale follow-ups are just that. They've forgotten what interested
them in the first place, so when you call back after several weeks
it's like starting all over again.

4. Balance fast and slow

The key to effective follow-up is balancing the fast and the slow.
Fast to get back to someone when they show interest; slow to get
to know them. Fast to provide information requested; slow to
discuss what this information means to their business. Fast to get
a proposal in the mail; slow to discuss the details of that proposal.

5. Watch your assumptions

What if someone doesn't get back to you? You've followed up
promptly and you don't hear back right away. What does this
mean? Only one answer: Who knows? It could be anything.

But we are quick to jump to the conclusion that it's bad news. Not
always. They might be very busy with a big priority or could even
be out on vacation. So don't jump to conclusions. Just keep
following up. Just watch that you don't sound desperate!

6. When to stop following-up

Let's say you have a prospect you've either met with or done a
proposal for. You thought everything was going well, but they
aren't returning your calls. Do you keep leaving messages or do
you give up? What I recommend is leaving one last message that
goes like this:

"Hi John, I've been trying to get back to you about the project but
haven't heard from you for a couple weeks. I don't want to keep
pestering you, so if I don't hear back from you, I'll assume you
don't want to move ahead. I'll leave the ball in your court. Please
call if you want to take the next steps, but this is the last
message I'll be leaving. Hope to hear from you. My number is ..."

This approach works. If they actually are interested, they'll call
you back. If they don't, well there's your answer. It's time to
move on.

7. Create follow-up systems

To streamline your follow-up, create systems you can use over
and over again. A follow-up system consists of specific steps you
take each step of the way.

It might work something like this:

a) prospect learns about your service and visits web site
b) prospect fills out form on the web requesting more information
c) prospect receives an automated email from you with web link
d) you send out personalized email requesting an appointment
e) you follow-up by email until appointment is set
f) you meet with prospect by phone
g) after phone appointment you send agreement
h) after a few days you send another email
i) after a few more days you leave a phone message
j) prospect ultimately gets back to you with a yes or no

Once your follow-up system is designed and fine-tuned, you can
use it reliably to turn many prospects into clients. This is exactly
how I built my business. It didn't happen by chance.

I invite you to use it to build yours.


The More Clients bottom line: The skill of follow-up is the glue
that holds all of your marketing together. It's what bridges the
gaps between initial connections, information, meetings and
proposals. Make it a priority to master this skill as soon as

By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit
Robert's web site at www.actionplan.com for additional
marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional
service businesses.

Until next time,
Paulette - following up with you so you succeed


Monday, July 16, 2007

Best Places to Sell Booklets

I saw an interesting, relevant, and completely believable set of statistics today on a colleague's website:


Bookstores account for only 45% of all book sales!

The remaining 55% of book sales comes, in part, from organizations that buy nearly $1 billion worth of non-returnable books per year.


This came from a site that is revving up to sell books as incentives and premiums to corporations, for them to use as promotional items (gifts) to increase sales of their products. I've been in conversation with this colleague the past several months to see how booklets can be added into his marketing efforts to those corporations.

The point here is a reinforcement of what I've known for years. Selling publications in large quantities to single buyers is THE way to go. Another colleague, Dan Poynter, is forever saying that bookstores are a lousy place to sell books. I've always agreed with him. The single copy sale that, in a bookstore, is returnable, and is sold to the bookstore at a very large discount is just not my idea of a good time.

If it's good enough for books, it's absolutely good enough for booklets.

Until next time,
Paulette - enjoying confirmation whenever it appears

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Friday, July 13, 2007

A Booklet is Your Best Business Card

Dan Poynter, an esteemed colleague of mine in the publishing world, says a book is the best business card you could have. I agree with a lot of what Dan says. On this one, though, I disagree. A booklet rather than a book is the best business card you could have.

A booklet is less of a burden to buy, to carry, and to read than a book. Yet the booklet gives the reader an insight to your topic and your business. The booklet can lead to someone buying the book or other products or services you offer.

A client was laboring this week in organizing and writing a booklet. I was sorry that it was so difficult for her, that she was not seeing what a booklet truly is. She wanted it to be the complete publication on her topic, no matter what I told her.

A booklet is the best business card you can have.

Until next time,
Paulette - convinced about this one


Thursday, July 12, 2007

UK Booklets Course Deadline

Are you in the UK, anywhere in Europe, or planning to be in the UK on August 16? If so, you'll want to enroll TODAY for the one-day workshop I'm delivering there in Birmingham. And you'll want to take care of that TODAY because enrollment will be closing this coming weekend, at the end of the day on Sunday. It's been seven years since I've been to England, and have no idea when I'll be back (though I've loved it each time I've gone.).

Mouse your way right over to http://www.tipsbooklets.com/uk2007.htm NOW.

Information Products:
- Today's Secret Marketing Tool

How to Sell a Million Copies to Corporations

Until next time,

Paulette - looking forward to sharing all this great stuff with you and everyone you know



Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Booklet in a Month

One of the newest booklet authors did it the way it definitely can be done, and it's only the beginning of her story.

I was the guest speaker in late May for the Washington, DC chapter of the National Speakers Association. Among the attendees that morning was Charlette Manning. Charlette immediately "got it" about booklets, and the Universe has conspired to support her success already.

She wrote the booklet, The Business of Forgiveness, thinking it would be good to have ready for the big annual conference of the National Speakers Association here in San Diego this week. I initially told her it would be close, time-wise, to go from start to printed booklets in that time frame. It could happen, and it would be close. She realized it would work out the way it was supposed to, let go of stressing about it, and just put "one foot after the other" to do the part that was hers to do.

As I said, the Universe conspired to support her success. She wrote the draft of her booklet in early June, and got it into my hands to edit pretty quickly. That happened that fast on my schedule because someone else delayed a project with me, opening up some time. Charlette approved my edits with basically one pass of the manuscript. We got it into the hands of Victoria Vinton, our graphic designer, who was able to do it because some other project got delayed for Victoria. Charlette approved it with one pass of the manuscript. We got it into the hands of one of our printers, who was able to schedule press time right away to run it, and delivered the 1,000 copies to my office the day before Charlette arrived in town for the conference. Pretty good so far, right? That was basically one month from start to finish. But wait, there's more!

Yesterday Charlette told me she put a copy of her booklet into the hands of Mark Victor Hanson of the "Chicken Soup" books fame while at the NSA conference. I can't wait to see what Charlette does next!! Can you?

You can purchase a downloadable version of her excellent booklet at the ebooklet catalog at www.tipsbooklets.com

Until next time,
Paulette - happy to be part of the Universe that is conspiring for success

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Customizing Booklets

Generally I suggest customizing a run of booklets at about 1,000 copies. Yes, it can be done for less copies, depending on how involved the customization is and how agreeable your graphic designer and printer are with their pricing.

The quickest way to customize the cover of a booklet with a short print run of 100 copies or less is to put a sticker on the cover. The sticker may include your logo or it might be your business name and contact info. At least there is a reinforcement of your brand.

Until next time,
Paulette -- creating the easiest and most effective solutions whenever possible


Monday, July 09, 2007

Promote Your Booklet in Trade Publications

While working on a project to create a marketing plan for an author client, I was reminded of a number of things I'd forgotten. It's so rewarding to have those things brought back into my awareness. One of the things was the reminder that many buyers of premiums and incentives to prompt more sales comes from things the decision maker reads in trade publications within their industry. That reminded me, also, about the section in most of those publications that is devoted to New Products. That New Products section is an editorial review or mention about some recent relevant arrival in the marketplace. It is not paid advertising.

Look for trade pubs that make sense to announce your product. Position it as a premium or incentive, which is anything imprinted with company information as used as a promotional item. And send it along to whoever is the contact person for that section of the trade publication.

Until next time,
Paulette - delighting in being reminded about things that have worked


Friday, July 06, 2007

Booklets While Writing or Re-Writing a Book

More book authors or wannabee book authors than ever before have been appearing in my life lately. One person has written a 200-pager which basically has nothing new to say on the topic. After I consulted with a traditional book publishing colleague, the suggestion came up to re-write the 200-pager from a different perspective that would effectively re-position the book. In the meantime, the author can be doing booklets to start laying a trail of bread crumbs for the book when it does get finished. The author will be building awareness and cash flow at the same time.

There are others who are determined to write a book yet don't have the patience or time to do a full-length tome. A series of booklets can accomplish that, combining the booklets at the end to make that book.

Until next time,
Paulette - presenting booklets as ideal solutions for many situations

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

But If I Tell Them in My Booklet ...

...then they won't buy my consulting services or other products.


This concern has been voiced by many novice booklet authors over the years. A recent experience reinforced what I already knew about why this is a non-problem. First off, years ago when I was a professional organizer, it was not the least bit uncommon to walk into the home or office of a client to find a row of books about organizing on the shelf, whose spines had never been cracked. Yet these same people were willing to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars for a professional organizer to personally assist them. The clients learned in their own best way.

Most recently, a long-time client in the booklet business reminded me of the need to repeat things that have been taught to this person numerous times in the past 15 years. It didn't go into the mind until the client was ready. And, I promise you, this person has heard this same tidbit of information about how to write tips no fewer than a half dozen times during that 15 years. The person is also far from lacking in brain power. It just wasn't time to learn and retain the particular piece of information.

Next time you worry about repeating yourself, or that someone will buy less from you because of information you provide them in a booklet or speaking engagement or anything else you have or do, quickly quell your concerns. It's truly a non-problem.

Until next time,
Paulette - teaching as many times as necessary


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

When To Throw In the Towel

"If you could help me sell a few thousand of them you would have my full attention."

The above sentence was in a brief email this morning from someone who wrote to compliment me on my newsletter. While I enjoyed the kind words about the newsletter, I was personally put off by the general experience I've had of this guy. He has spent huge amounts of energy defending why he has no money, why workbooks are the only way to go (with which I disagree), and on and on and on.

I can't help wondering what his results would be if he re-directed his energy toward learning how to expand his product line and his bottom line. Instead, he's expecting magic. He's expecting someone else to do his work for him. Sure, someone else might be able to sell for him (though I'm sure he's expecting a commission-based relationship from anyone who would). And someone else could expand his product line for him (he probably wants some revenue share here, too, from what I've experienced of him so far). However, no one else can learn for him, though.

This is the kind of mindset that leads me to conclude I've put enough energy into someone who seems committed to staying stuck. You've probably had clients like that. Or you may even be seeing yourself in this scenario! If that's you, I encourage you to consider how much you're shooting yourself in the foot, getting the exact opposite of the results you are seeking. If this describes a prospect or a current client, decide how much effort you want to continue investing in someone who seems like they will never move off the mark.

The choice is always yours.

Until next time,
Paulette -- always available to encourage those interested in their own growth


Monday, July 02, 2007

Cartoons for Your Booklet

Thanks to John Kremer in is Booklet Marketing Tip of the Week:

The Cartoon Bank

If you'd like to use New Yorker cartoons in one of your books (or booklets), you can
now do it easily by checking out the Cartoon Bank. You can also license
their cartoons for your website or newsletter. The bank features more
than 85,000 cartoons. Contact the Cartoon Bank at 800-897-8666.
Web: http://www.cartoonbank.com.

You can subscribe to his newsletter through

Until next time,
Paulette - happily sharing great resources with you
