Booklets - Getting New Ideas
Where do you get ideas for creating, developing, and marketing your tips booklets? They can and do come from anywhere, depending on how much attention you're paying to your life on any given day.
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Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.
Where do you get ideas for creating, developing, and marketing your tips booklets? They can and do come from anywhere, depending on how much attention you're paying to your life on any given day.
Whether you give a rat’s tail about Lady Gaga, her music, or what she’s about, she is a marketing marvel worthy of notice – worthy of YOUR notice. Yes, even for your tips booklet and the rest of your business. Here’s some of what she did to promote her recently released music album, “Born This Way” that got her over half a million sales of the album in her first week.
Read a more detailed accounting of what she’s done:
As the article says, there is nothing subtle about her or her approach. That’s not to say you have to be as “out there” in how you do things as she is, unless, of course, you want to. However, take a look at what she’s done that can be a match for you, things you haven’t considered. And if you’ve been concerned about being too radical, look at her results. She is willing to do what she feels it takes to bring to the world what she views are her gifts. How about you?
Put one thing in place that you haven’t done before to further reach the people who can benefit from your expertise. And then put a second in place, and a third. Before you know it, you’ll have a campaign mapped out that benefits more people than you ever could have imagined.
How do you think your tips booklet reader feels when seeing a tip that starts with "Never ..." or "Always...?" While you obviously want to be emphatic in your advice about whatever it is, you're placing a big burden on the reader. Yes, that may sound like an extreme assessment. However, it sets a tone that is less than helpful or human.
Doesn't everyone know what you know? As obvious as the answer to that question may seem, it's another thing when you are in the throes of writing a booklet about your expertise.
It can be easy to start thinking that the only way to build your booklet business is by being online and by having a large list of followers.
Imagine this -- you got your excellent tips booklet in front of a decision maker who could potentially buy hundreds of thousands of copies of your booklet, now. (Yes, those are real numbers.) The person loves the booklet, sees it fitting perfectly into a major promotional campaign at their company, and has the budget to make a purchase with you, now, today, this moment.
A recurring question that was voiced again today is some variation of "what distinguishes my booklet (or my tips in a collaborative booklet) from someone in the same business as mine in the same region as mine?"
A recent booklet author proudly showed me a booklet. My immediate question was "how many of these do you have left?" I've learned to ask that question before offering suggestions to improve it, no matter how good the content is. The good news in this case was that there were only a few copies left.
F.R.E.E. Teleclass TOMORROW
How to Promote Your Business with Booklets
Wednesday, May 4
7:00 pm Eastern/4:00 pm Pacific
Patsy Bellah interviews Paulette Ensign
As a small business owner, writer, coach or speaker, you may cringe at the idea of marketing your business, or believe that you're only a published author once you've created a full-length book.
You may believe that creating information products and marketing have to be difficult, time-consuming, expensive and anything but fun.
On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, I will turn that all around, taking you step-by-step through easily marketing your business with tips booklets and other related information products, some of which will cost you literally nothing to produce. You won't want to miss this get-the-lead-out-of-your-pants-eye-opening session. You may know that I have personally sold well over a million copies (so far!) of my ONLY tips booklet, "110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life" in four languages and various formats without ever spending a penny on advertising.
Our host for this session, Patsy Bellah, has been a valued resource for for the past several years, brilliantly transcribing many of the teleclasses I've presented. She has now developed her own membership site and I happily accepted the invitation for her to interview me as one of her guest experts.
NOTE: The live session of this teleclass will be at no cost other than any regular long distance phone charges you may have. There will be a charge for the recording if you miss the live class.
Go sign up for this class now to learn information that you never knew before or to get a refresher on things you knew and forgot.
Be sure to confirm receiving the sign-up email to get the complete call-in details.