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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Foreign Rights for Your Content

Granting rights to use your content to individuals and companies outside your own country can seem like some kind of magic to you. Not only have I done it myself several times, there's lots of people I know who do it all the time, in both the native language of the author and into other languages than it was originally produced, and both within and outside your own country.

Besides English, my tips booklet is in Spanish, Italian, and Dutch. It has also been reviewed by publishers in many other languages for possible licensing that has yet to happen. The booklet was represented at the annual huge Frankfurt Book Fair a couple of years by Bob Erdmann, the person who will be the Expert Interview for February for www.PublishingProsperity.com

It's really a natural for extending your revenue stream and your reach, for leveraging your content into directions and formats you may never have considered. Right now I am in discussion with someone in Italy who attended a marketing bootcamp I attended in southern California in December. As soon as I heard she was from Italy, I introduced the possibility to her of being an intermediary for licensing deals in Italy. She has already spoken with a few contacts, and we'll see where this goes. The first Italian licensing deal I had was in 1994 when I approached someone online who posted an introduction about his marketing company.

Take advantage of two resources to leverage your content into other languages by attending the Expert Interview with Bob Erdmann on February 5 and by getting the How to License Your Booklet for Huge Profits.

Until next time,
Paulette - encouraging you to leave as little money on the table as possible and extend your reach in the process

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Joint Ventures - The Year of Interdependence

What companies are likely to be good joint venture partners for you? Yes, selling your booklets and other info products in bulk to large companies to use as a promotional tool could be viewed as a joint venture of sorts. What about a company that would promote what you have on some kind of commission basis? That's what affiliate programs are. If you are a subscriber to Booklet Tips from Paulette - the Ezine, you saw a joint venture offer last week. Jeff Herring, The Internet Article Guy, is one of many people who has products and services that are ideal for booklet authors. The same is true in reverse. I've got a lot of products and services that are ideal for Jeff's article writing clients.

In case you missed the offer for an excellent product Jeff has, you can find it right here
http://tinyurl.com/c5ngo8 Quite a few subscribers did invest in it. I've now expanded Jeff's reach to my audience, and he has done and will be doing the same in introducing me again this year to his folks. I did a teleclass for his audience last year. Everyone benefits.

I am careful about the people and products I present to my world. The products and services must make sense to my logic as something potentially useful for you. And I certainly am careful about the people with whom I "do deals." Most people whose products and services I present are people I've known for a long time. Their reputation is solid in all ways. They put out good and relevant stuff, and they are high integrity in dealing with them.

Who is in your world to do business with in this way? Many people actually base their entire business on joint ventures and affiliate deals. You will be seeing more of these this year at www.tipsbooklets.com and www.PublishingProsperity.com Some resources will be perfect for you. Others not so much. This is an easy way to expand your business and your revenue. Take a look at who is ideal for such possibilities.

Until next time,
Paulette - bringing you the best I can find

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

San Diego Workshop Scheduled

Information Products - Today's Secret Marketing Tool
Thursday, February 19

Where will YOU be??

All the goodies about it and enrollment at:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We Can

Today many write about aspects of the history-making events in Washington, DC as our new president has been sworn into office. I am among the ecstatic over the whole thing, for an almost-endless number of reasons.

For purposes of this particular blog post, the focus is confidence. Obama operates from a place of gracious confidence, in the face of so many hurdles, so many reasons why it won't work. He is far from being a fool. Every step of the way, he has said "yes we can." Each of those three words is crucial. The positive and inclusive statement says it all.

It takes more than one for each of us to accomplish what is ours to do. It is up to us to do the part that is ours to do.

Look at what he and the people around him have accomplished in the past 2+ years, for the greater good of many. In fact, many more years than the 2+ the public knows. Look at your own life, your own people around you, the things you perceive as hurdles, the knowledge you have to share with people, the reward that is yours for doing so.

Together, yes we can.

Until next time,
Paulette - who remembers the 60's all too well and is so excited about today and the future

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign


Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Content Is Superfluous

It happened again. During a workshop in Phoenix this week, someone said it was the intention to only put very useful information out, not fill a booklet with superfluous information. I assured the booklet author that there would be a lot more interest in the topic of the product we were discussing by fattening it out with more tips, and most importantly, that each of us is too close to our own expertise to realize that many people don't know what you/I know. It may seem simple to you, and totally escapes the awareness of someone else.

I had a similar experience talking with a colleague. I asked for a solution to something, and he gave me what was, indeed, an easy solution -- one I just hadn't considered. Once he suggested it, of course it made perfect sense.

Remember that your content has at least three possible uses to the recipient:

* Brand new information
* Reminder of something already known
* Confirmation, especially coming from an expert (you)

Each of these functions makes your content anything BUT superfluous. Write it any way and do it now!

Until next time,
Paulette - reminding myself as much as reminding you

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Booklets, Time, and Social Networking

The light bulb went on today as I was posting yet one more tweet on Twitter, thinking, again, how perfectly suited Twitter is to my personality of getting in, getting out, and getting something done, all just like that.

You can accomplish lots of things at once by posting a tip from your expertise onto Twitter. Here's a few:
  • You develop a credible presence in the Twitter world
  • You are being helpful, which is always appreciated
  • You are giving information first, marketing second
  • You are, indeed, marketing your business
  • You're writing your tips booklet one tip at a time
So next time you find yourself in a circular conversation with yourself or someone else about how you don't have time to do social networking and/or don't have time to write a booklet, this suggestion just cut your time in half. Scratch THAT excuse! You really can't take up much time or space writing a tip on Twitter since you're limited to 140 characters (not words, but characters.) And you probably know that I'm very fond of doing more than one thing at a time when it looks like you're only doing one thing at a time.

Are you following me yet on Twitter? This is one of the easiest points of entry into the world of social networking as far as I'm concerned. It's fun while getting things done. Come see for yourself.

Until next time,
Paulette - doing lots of connecting (and biz!) on Twitter

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Booklet Publicity Forever

Marketing and publicity are really ways of spreading around the love you have for your topic. Some people view that as a burden on their schedule or their personality, thinking it's a skill they don't have. Is that you? Do you have an opinion about marketing that holds you back?

How would you feel about the idea of having a conversation with a friend or family member about what you wrote or are planning to write in your booklet? Would you feel the same way as you do about the concepts of marketing and publicity? I'm guessing not. Ok, not every friend or family member gives a flying whatever about your topic, I do understand that. I've got a few of those folks in my world, too. What about the ones who do? You know, the ones who are excited, impressed, even a little envious of you for doing what you are doing or planning to do. Those are the people who want to hear all about it.

Let me break it to you gently -- talking with that, well, that's marketing and publicity. You're having a conversation that shares your enthusiasm about your expertise. You can make it more complicated than that if you want to, and if that serves you in some way. And you have no clue who those friends and family members know who can become clients of yours, because your friends and family extended your enthusiasm to the people they know.

For me, annnnnny time someone wants to interview me or include any part of my story in what they are doing, my answer is always a resounding YES! And the fact that I keep showing up in so many places and for all this time makes it that much easier for people to feel comfortable buying products and services from me, and asking me to be part of what they are doing. This is not rocket science, I promise you. I even did a quasi-political move a month or so ago as I brought the topic to what I wanted to talk about, starting where the person interviewing me wanted to start. Yes, that's completely do-able when you're clear in your intention. It goes something like "Yes, that's very interesting and important, and this [insert your topic] is something else I know our listeners will find useful..."

Early this week, a booklet author client of mine, Pam Perry of MinistryMarketingSolutions.com put the general word out that she wanted guests to interview for her Internet radio show. Well, absotively, posolutely, count me in, when? For your listening pleasure, here's the link for you to hear how it went. Pam enthusiastically talks about how her booklet involvement has been a positive influence for her business, too.


Until next time,
Paulette - always ready for the media, in whatever shape it arrives

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Paint Word Pictures in Tips Booklets

Several reminders lately of the importance of giving the client, reader, audience member the *experience* -- the benefits, not the features. For instance, when you're car breaks down on the road and you get towed to the garage, you really don't care that the mechanic will use a particular size wrench, turned three twists, carefully removing the widget that's connected to the ... Uh, you get the idea. All you care about is how soon can the mechanic get you back on the road, and what will it cost you.

Even with writing a tip, yes, I suggest after telling the person what to do, that you add 1 or 2 sentences explaining "why" or "how." It's been effective to see some booklet authors naturally go that extra mile, even within the formula structure, in mentioning the experience the reader is likely to have: "Move things one or two inches closer to you on your desk. You will save time and have less stress throughout your day." In those few short words, there is a direct instruction, followed by describing the probable outcome, without any reference to the muscles used in moving those things closer.

In many cases (though definitely not all), the number of pages in your booklet, the dimensions of it, the number of ink colors, the font size, the number and type of graphics, the kind of paper -- these don't matter. What matters is how your booklet will make someone's life more, better, or different.

Until next time,
Paulette - sharing the reminder to focus on benefits rather than features

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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