By the Way, Your Booklet Topic Can Be ...
People often ask me what topics are "hot" to write about. I always say it's the one(s) that excite you. Our colleague, Marcia Yudkin, adds perspective to that in her weekly Marketing Minute, which, by the way, is very much worth sharing with you.
The Marketing Minute
by Marcia Yudkin, Marketing Expert and Mentor
Successful people often reveal they discovered what
rocketed them to fortune by others saying, "You know, you're
good at such-and-such. Can you teach me/help me?"
Beat them to it by highlighting and exploiting hard-to-name
talents or unintended accomplishments. Ask yourself:
* In what ways do I love going above and beyond, or deeper
than others?
* What kind of commentary of mine - in conversation, on my
blog - seems to strike a nerve?
* Which unexpected skills have I mastered to do what I do?
* What data have I collected that others could use?
Ask customers:
* What do you like about doing business with me that you
don't experience elsewhere?
* Looking back, what results from the work we did together
seemed to come out of left field?
The answers may point to a lucrative sideline service or
information product you can develop - or your next career.
For instance, maybe your B&B hospitality generates matches
among guests or your sports coaching produces better
Identify your "by the way" assets, bottle them for sale and
enjoy the extra profits.
HOW ABOUT ME? While teaching my Launch Your Information
Empire course, I realized that I enjoy and get appreciated
for compiling business models for marketing. Instead of
teaching only what I've done successfully, I also find and
report how others succeed with a different approach. I
arrange the information so participants can figure out the
model that's right for their personality, audience and goals.
Even if you've already got a system working, you might find
a more congenial model or a way to expand and grow that had
not occurred to you.
Alternative business models are one lesson in the Launch Your
Information Empire course:
If you're interested but not yet committed to creating
while-you-sleep income, opt into my information products
email series (no cost):
Interested in marketing with postcards? I have a $19.97
report specifically on 10 business models for that:
Or look at the Mighty Postcard Marketing Course:
CD of the Month Club:
Marketing Thought of the Day: or
Get Mentored:
Naming & Tag Line Service:
Press Releases & Distribution:
If you enjoy The Marketing Minute, please forward it to
friends and colleagues. It comes to you every Wednesday
from publicity and marketing consultant Marcia
Yudkin, author of Web Site Marketing Makeover and
10 other books. P.O. Box 305, Goshen, MA 01032.
For a free weekly marketing tip, subscribe:
Until next time,
Paulette - who knows "by the way" often becomes a pot 'o gold
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