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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Booklets Reach More Digital Deliveries

A participant in one of the www.CollectionOfExperts.com booklets contacted me to ask for her booklet as a Word document. Usually that would not be something I'd provide since it was already designed by our graphic designer, and a Word doc is vulnerable to all manner of unintended changes.

When the participant told me what was behind her request, I immediately obliged. This is what she wrote me:

I am working on publishing (selling) the tips book in multiple formats.
Sony Reader (LRF)
Kindle (.mobi)
Palm Doc (PDB)

Here is my issue, I have to upload the book as a Word doc , it’s then processed and sold in various formats, not offered as a Word doc. Can/will you supply a word doc?

This is the first request or mention of its kind with anyone participating in www.CollectionOfExperts.com booklets. Don't you just love it when a client teaches you something that is perfect to pass along for everyone else's benefit?

Yet one more way your involvement in a www.CollectionOfExperts.com booklet can benefit you and the other 13 people in your booklet.

There is one with 2 slots still available - Thrive in Business in Any Economy. Does that slot have your name on it?

Until next time,
Paulette - appreciative of my clients and their ingenuity

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Booklet Affiliates Promote Without Own Website

An email arrived today from a tipsbooklets.com enthusiast asking how to promote an affiliate link to our site(s) without having her own website. It occurred to me that whether my affiliates have their own website or not, there are many ways to distribute an affiliate link anyway, ideas that may be useful to you in expanding your overall reach and bottom line.

So here are some places, in no particular order, to circulate that link so you get exposure and make money in the process, whether you have your own products or website, or not. You may want to use free services like www.tinyurl.com or www.budurl.com or www.snipurl.com to shorten the link as well as to "cloak" it so people won't cut off the affiliate identification and go directly to the site, leaving you out of the loop.

  1. Twitter.com - as a recommendation to a resource you suggest
  2. Facebook.com - also as a recommendation to a resource you suggest
  3. EzineArticles.com - write your own article, including the affiliate link in the resource box at the end, or grab one of my many articles from that site and replace your affiliate link where my URL is. Just be sure you keep my name and copyright as the author of my articles!
  4. SelfGrowth.com - same idea as EzineArticles.com
  5. Signature file of your outgoing emails
  6. Your blog or responses on other people's blogs/discussion forums - be careful about their rules. Some places prohibit affiliate links and others don't care.
These are specific suggestions that are also intended to get you thinking. Obviously there are many more social networking sites and article directory sites than those listed here.

Thanks to the person who posed the question today. It makes the point that it's now more possible than ever to do tons of promotion and sales with minimal cost of time or money. I'm very much looking forward to sending out commission payments to any and all who earn them.

If you're not an affiliate of my company yet, you can remedy that immediately by going to
http://www.tipsbooklets.com/?page=become_an_affiliate_of_tpi.html and signing up now.

Until next time,
Paulette - grateful to be reminded of some basics that can be easy to overlook

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Booklets, Repeat, Booklets, Repeat

You may be concerned about repeating yourself by presenting your booklet content in multiple formats. Worry not. There are so many examples of information finally sinking in after repeated exposure that this blog doesn't have room to cite them all.

Start with how a person hears something a teacher says after not hearing the same thing coming from a parent. Or the one about a spouse's words falling on deaf ears though the message gets through from a friend. What about reading something in a written publication online or offline that you absorb after the umpteenth time? And why do you think television ads are repeated immediately?
You can read something in a booklet or a newsletter, and until you're engaged in conversation about it, you haven't internalized it.

Put your knowledge into many different formats, and do it now. Make some in small bits and others more in-depth. Include written, audio, online, offline, interactive, passive. Your message will reach more people and your checkbook balance will remain healthy.

Put your knowledge into many different formats, and do it now. Make some in small bit and others more in-depth. Include written, audio, online, offline, interactive, passive. Your message will reach more people and your checkbook balance will remain healthy.
(That's in case you missed it the first time you read it!)

Until next time,
Paulette - who needs multiple exposures to things just like you do

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Booklets in Bulk - Anyone Still Buying Them?

Each week a booklet author or potential booklet author inevitably poses the question about whether anyone still buys booklets at all, much less in bulk. The answer is a resounding "yes." There is evidence of this throughout most weeks, from other booklet authors who tell me of their sales results, and from other first-hand experiences I have.

Yesterday brought two examples of this in my own office. First, I got a phone call from a colleague, saying there was interest from a large company in finding inexpensive publications on a particular topic to buy in bulk - about 20,000 copies, in fact. I asked the colleague what kind of pricing the client was looking for. It was definitely a respectable number, certainly one that would still be respectable when it was split in several directions after the cost of printing the booklets. We presented some PDFs for the client to review and we'll see where this goes.

Then I had dinner last night with a long-time friend. She happens to be a civilian who is employed at one of the military bases here in San Diego. As I shared with her the essence of the conversation I had earlier in the day, a sparkle came into her eye. She reinforced something Brian Jud had talked about in the Expert Interview at www.PublishingProsperity.com earlier this month, and in his book, Beyond the Bookstore, and in some articles he provided for the members of www.PublishingProsperity.com It was this - the military buys lots of publications to educate and entertain their people. And my friend who works at this particular base is in a position to make an introduction or two to those who have the buying power for such purchases at that base!

Besides yesterday's conversations, a several weeks back, a booklet author sold a few hundred copies of her booklet on feng shui to a sales rep for beds. That may allow the author to reach other sales reps for that company and connect with the company itself at the corporate level.

These are among the many stories that are out there everyday. Next time you ponder whether anyone is still buying booklets in bulk, rest assured the answer is yes.

Until next time,
Paulette - who loves sharing stuff like this with you

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Speakers Promoting Quantity Sales of Publications

One of my favorite weekly ezines comes every Friday from the folks at www.SpeakerNetNews.com You don't need to be a speaker to subscribe. Many speakers write, and many writers speak. While they often talk about books, those same ideas usually apply to booklets and other information product formats, too! Here are two that were in last Friday's issue, with their contributors noted.

Shep Hyken

About two months before publication of my new book, I sent a PDF of the first several chapters (from the galley copy) and an order form to my past clients as well as prospects we have a good relationship with. I offered to send a full PDF or a hard copy if they preferred. I was pleasantly surprised with several large-quantity orders, ranging from 50-200 copies. This emailing also generated conversations that may lead to more orders as well as bookings.

Jane Atkinson

With every speaking contract that goes out, a book should be included with a mention of “audience take-home or turndown gifts” in the cover letter (and volume pricing). By mentioning an “autograph session” following your event vs. a “book signing” you raise your level of celebrity and the client will appreciate the fact that you are willing to spend more time with their group.


Until next time,

Paulette - who is always happy to see Speaker Net News in her inbox on Friday mornings

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Booklet Authors Who Are Thriving

The age-old, almost trite phrase of being a "solution provider" is the key element for those booklet authors who are thriving right now. They see a challenge and identify one or more ways they can provide a solution.

Identifying solutions is not enough. You can sit in your office or the local coffee shop and be brilliant all day long, coming up with one excellent solution after another. It's useless to you and to those who struggle with the challenge unless you somehow connect with them. They need to know you're there and that you've got what will be helpful to them.

You may be noticing a surge of articles, teleclasses, and interviews being promoted by many coaches, consultants, speakers, and small business owners. They, like you, know that marketing and promotion must happen all the time. And it's also no one mechanism that works, rather a combination of several approaches, depending on what is most comfortable for you.

It's no coincidence that the service we offer at www.CollectionOfExperts.com is increasingly appealing right now. It's a product and a marketing tool that takes 10 minutes of your time, distinguishes you from among the crowd, and has 13 other people marketing you! One booklet that still has a couple spaces left in it is "Thrive in Business in Any Economy - Tips from a Collection of Experts." This booklet will most likely be filled by Monday. There's a space in that booklet with your name on it!

Until next time,
Paulette - providing solutions so you thrive

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Booklets - Now, Soon, or Later

While you and I each have our own pace and natural rhythm, it's becoming increasingly obvious to me that the people who thrive are the ones who jump right in and then make whatever course corrections are necessary as they go. You may be a person who does that. You get an idea about a topic for a booklet or a particular prospect or a certain market, and you go after it. You may not have the entire picture in your mind, complete with every detail. Yet you put it in forward motion and find out what you need to know along the way. Yes, there may be some potholes along the way. Those are often better to deal with than still being back at the starting line, thinking you need to know every detail before you can even begin.

If you are someone who feels it's crucial to have all your ducks in a row before you can do anything, there will be and already have been many opportunities that pass you by. While no one can take advantage of all the possibilities, you are assuring yourself of enjoying none of them until and unless you get started.

The stories you are telling yourself about why you must wait are just that -- stories. Jump in and experience the success of creating your product, the success of bringing your product to those who can benefit from what you have, and the success of financial rewards. Today is the day to do that, not soon or later.

Until next time,
Paulette - who has made lots and lots of course corrections, and sold over a million booklets before anyone said she couldn't

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Who Are You and What Did You Do With Your Booklet?

Two quotes I saw on Twitter this week grabbed my attention, enough to pass them along to you. The first characterizes how I encourage people to be, and pretty much how I've lived in each of my three careers (so far). I've always been the great fan of asking for forgiveness instead of permission.

As you and I are considering how we want to be right now, how we want to take what we know and who we are, and bring it back out into the world in a way that is the best match, ponder these quotes. It's how I've sold over a million tips booklets and morphed a whole business over the past 18 years, throughout the roller coaster of life.

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead.

"When I think about becoming who I can be – I remember who I am – and just smile." - Lee Ann Price (a client who posted on Twitter)

Until next time,
Paulette - delighted to be me and delighted to experience you

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Another Audio Product to Increase Booklet Sales

There was a suggestion in last week's www.SpeakerNetNews.com excellent ezine, offered by a subscriber, Rita Emmett. Her idea makes perfect sense to pass along to you. While she references books, the very same applies to booklets. Here is her post, in its entirety.


If you want to increase your product sales on your site or in the back of the room [as a speaker], make CDs NOT ONLY of you reading your book, but also one or more of you talking about the material in your book. What it means to you, additional examples, reactions of people who read it. Sort of an expansion of the book material.
If you don’t yet have a book, make a CD talking about one of your topics. This is different from a CD of you giving a talk. Not better, just a different CD. More intimate. Have someone interview you — it improves the energy. Prepare questions for them to ask you.

It will cost only a dollar or two to burn copies, and you can sell them for $10 or $15 or more. OR offer your book plus a $15 CD for only an additional $8. You will sell tons of books this way. Everyone loves a bargain.


Until next time,
Paulette - happy to share ideas that make oh so much sense

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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