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Booklet Tips From Paulette

Writing, producing, and promoting tips booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Booklet Series - Sometimes a Good Idea, Sometimes Not

Someone who will be attending the public workshop I'll be doing in Denver next week http://www.tipsbooklets.com/denver.htm informed me she's excited about coming because she's done one booklet and has 19 more in the plan for the next couple years.

Of course I applaud her enthusiasm and the fact she gets it about the value of booklets. However, it'll be interesting to explore with her the thinking behind creating 20 booklets. There's no hard and fast "rule" (like I would live by those anyway?) about whether doing a series is a good idea or not. It comes down to the old "it depends" answer. For some people's business and personality, a series makes perfect sense and is an excellent idea. For others, it's really unnecessary.

A few reasons TO do a series:
  • You're a keynote speaker with 4 main speeches. Do one booklet for each speech
  • Your business has several primary divisions or product areas. Do one booklet for each.
  • Your clients are enthusiastic about doing business with you. Create more to sell them.
  • You are in a field that is constantly changing. Do periodic revisions rather than a series.
  • Your information lends itself to going greater in depth. Start basic and go more advanced.
  • You like creating products and are willing to market and sell them.
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, though you get the idea. For me, my business and personality dictate taking a single 3,500 word document and finding many ways to leverage it into other formats and languages. Doing a series was not necessary or desirable at any point since 1991. And I've done just fine, thanks! Do what's best for you. It's the only way it works.

Until next time,
Paulette - encouraging you to do a series as long as it makes sense and you're not just hiding from marketing and selling

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Booklet Reasons or Results

"My dog ate my homework." Isn't that one of the oldest excuses in the world for not accomplishing the results that were expected of you? For some, it's become a humorous way to express missing the mark on a due date. For others, it's often a major annoyance, a cop-out. All the reasons (aka excuses) in the world don't change the results. It doesn't matter how good the excuse. Yes, there are times when an emergency happens, and it is literally impossible to do what you said you would when you said you'd do it. However, more often than not, it's a matter of a zillion stories you tell yourself and anyone who will listen, stories that seem completely reasonable. See if some of these resonate for you:

* I don't have enough information to finish the booklet.
* I've got too much information and don't know what to leave out.
* It's not written well enough for people to want it.
* I'm not a writer.
* It doesn't go into enough depth for people to want it.
* My wife/husband/significant other thinks writing a booklet is a waste of time.
* I have too much to do in my life to write 3500 words.
* I don't know how to sell it.
* I don't have a website yet for my business.
* I'm an unknown in my field.

Anything there sound like stories you've told yourself? If so, you're busted! They are stories. They are not results. Each and every one of the 10 items in the above list has a solution if a booklet is really the result you're committed to having.

So, what's the truth for you? Reasons or results?

Until next time,
Paulette - reflecting on the stories some people offered with their belated birthday wishes this week :-)

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Booklets and Telling Your Life Story

Years ago I recall having a discussion with the executive director of the professional association in which I was heavily involved. We talked about the difficulty that many members of the association had in focusing on communicating the benefits of their services. More of them were involved in telling their entire and complete life story, at length, in an excruciating amount of detail to anyone who would listen.

I sometimes hear the same situation with booklet authors. Well, let me break this to you gently. It's not about you and your life story. Yes, your life experiences are usually the basis for what your work is and has become. However, it really, truly is and will always be about the recipient of your work. It's about how what you've got will benefit them, how it will make their life more, better, or different. Once you make it about them, you'll be happily surprised to see how much it becomes about you and your business, your booklet, your products and services. Your people will want more of what you've got because you're making it all useful to them. Not such a big stretch now after all, is it? Nah, I didn't think so.

Until next time,
Paulette - who knows it is and will always be about you!

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Booklet Messes Versus Mistakes

There is no difference between a mess and a mistake, in my opinion. Here's why I say that. In both situations, you and I make the best choices based on the information and resources we have. Then it turns out differently than we expected. After all, do you wake up in the morning and declare you're going to make 4 "wrong" choices (aka "mistakes") today? I sure don't. We make the best choices we can, with the information and resources we have at that time.

Many consultants talk about making your mess your message. That means teaching others how to do it differently than you did so they increase the odds of a better result.

When I think back over the past couple decades to the things that turned out differently than I thought they would in my booklet journey, without exception, it was because I was missing some information or other resources. Once that was changed, so were the results.

So yes, I teach people how to go down roads that don't have the same potholes I fell into, to get better results quicker. Your first-hand experiences and observations of other people's experiences may well be the basis of your booklet journey, too.

I personally don't believe in the concept of "mistakes." Each one is actually a learning opportunity. Some are more fun and less costly than others, and, some outcomes matter more than others. Is it truly the end of the world if the ink color you wanted came out just a tad off from what you got? 3M's Post-It Notes (plus many other products and services worldwide) happened as "mistakes." Get it? And, well, isn't that what life is about? Rolling with it, and making course corrections along the way.

Until next time,
Paulette - leveraging those learning opportunities so you can, too.

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Give Your Booklet Away to Make Money

Today was the first of the 3-part Booklet Author Success series. It was even more fun than I thought it would be. That speaks to the difference between creating something in a vacuum and then putting it into real time. I mapped out 4 questions for each of he 3 booklet authors, including a completely open-ended question, providing a certain framework, and then let it rip. Each of the 3 booklet authors not only brought their unique perspective to the conversation, they added things I had overlooked, and we all shared some chuckles along the way.

One of the big things I originally overlooked was the technique of giving away the booklet, in printed copy or as a download, as a way to generate other sales in your business. Years ago I had a client who did that very successfully with his family law practice. He strategically gave copies of his booklet about ways to diffuse the battle of divorce to professionals who were in a good position to refer the level of client he was seeking. That meant judges, mediators, therapists.

Today, Caleb Scoville of www.northbankaudio.com talked about some promotional campaigns he recently did where he focused on the collaborative Collection of Experts booklet he was in as a give-away to successfully reconnect with previous clients and prospective clients and generate new business as a result of it. That was, of course, only one of the things he shared with us.

The other two booklet authors on today's call (Peter Thomson from the UK www.PeterThomson.com and Andrew Chapman www.achapman.com) brought completely different experiences to the discussion about product development and big sales. In case you missed this, you can still sign up for the remaining 2 calls in the series, and get downloadable audio recordings and text transcripts of all three calls. Do it now! Just one new idea or perspective could catapult you to heights you never imagined.

Click here to reach the Booklet Author Success series

Until next time,
Paulette - who happily had way more fun today than anticipated

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Booklet Imperfections and Other Truths

Several colleagues have talked about the imperfection of their entrepreneurial efforts over the years, whether it's been imperfect pricing, packaging, client communication, business expansion -- you name it, we have all done it. I absolutely include myself in there, without question. There have been many things I've done imperfectly in the past 18 years of this business, and the many years of other business ventures starting in childhood. And guess what? We're all still here to tell about it. S

So a pricing or product packaging wasn't the best match for a particular product or service. It got changed until it became the best match. There was actually a typo in my booklet, which stayed there in the first 50,000 copies or so that I sold. I could give you many, many examples of imperfection. However, I can also give you lots of examples of things that worked. Maybe it worked the first time out of the shoot on it, or maybe it was after numerous modifications.

That brings me to what's starting next week. I've hand-picked 9 booklet authors from the US and the UK to share with you some things that worked for them in what's called the Booklet Author Success Series.

These folks will tell you some of the happy surprises they encountered in giving away and selling their booklets. You'll want to hear it from them, first-hand. If you can't make the live sessions, sign up anyway. You'll get the transcripts and recordings, and you'll also get the recently revised 4th edition of "How to Promote Your Business with Booklets" as a free bonus.

And, if you're an affiliate of mine, you can actually make money on anyone who comes in on your affiliate link! Go check it out -- NOW!

Until next time,
Paulette - who sometimes seems to specialize in imperfection

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Booklet Authors Teach You About Booklets

One of my newest favorite television programs is called Shark Tank. It's composed of 5 people (4 guys and 1 woman) who review entrepreneurs' business and product ideas to consider investing in them. The investment is money, expertise, and time. It's not just money. I like the show for a number of reasons. The most recent piece of learning I got from it was the outstanding value of having a mentor in someone who has a proven track record in a particular area of business. It went like this.

Two investors (aka "Sharks") jointly made an offer of a certain amount of money and expertise in exchange for a particular percentage of the two business owners' company. A third shark attempted to out-bid the first two with double the amount of money. However, this higher money offer came from someone who had no background at all in the business owners' type of business. While the money was considerably more, the knowledge was not there.

The business owners accepted the deal from the two investors who offered less money and proven knowledge and experience with their type of business. Makes perfect sense to me!

You will now have a similar opportunity to learn from people who have proven knowledge in the booklet business. In fact, you'll have the opportunity to learn from a total of 10 people - 9 others and me - each with our own unique and related experiences. We're not offering to invest in your business for a percentage of it (yet!). However, we each have useful stuff to teach you.

We've each been there and done that. We can and will share our experiences with you.

Get yourself over to Booklet Author Success series right now and sign up for it. It starts a week from today! Even if you can't attend the live sessions, sign up anyway. You'll see why.

Until next time,
Paulette - excited to share these outstanding learning opportunities with you so you succeed, too

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

How Do You Do a Booklet Product Launch?

Your first or next booklet is almost finished and ready for prime time. You've created it because you determined there is a need that your booklet will fill. Then what?

Have you mapped out the who, what, where, why, how, and when of letting the world know what you've got for them? Your market may quite naturally be more than a single one. It could include the consumer as well as a corporate audience. How and when will you reach each of them?

I'm in the process of launching several new things during the 4th quarter of 2009, starting as early as next week, in fact. Although I've done many product launches in the zillion years I've been in my own business, each and every one has their own unique components. I now involve more players in a launch. Years ago, there was no website to consider, much less support people to do that for me since they do it better than I. Years ago, there was no email or blogs or social network sites. Now each of them has their own unique culture and etiquette.

All those details to make it work so people have access to the best solutions to their challenges. Most times, it's not the end of the world if a particular detail is only excellent and not perfect. Once in awhile, yes, it IS a big deal. Anticipating as many of the "what if's" as you can will minimize the overlooked details.

In the meantime, watch this blog and your email inbox, and your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and a whole bunch of other places to see just what it is that'll be coming out next week from me. Whether you've been dealing with booklets for a long time or are just getting started, I promise you'll love what I've got for you!

Until next time,
Paulette - excited to soon be bringing you some new things

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Instant Booklet Success and Other Fictional Stories

Years ago when money was really tight (no, I mean REALLY tight), I remember a business advisor saying "it's only another couple months until people are back to business mode after the summer." Another couple months might as well have been centuries away at that point for me. It's not fun to be caught in a cash flow crunch. Been there, done that, don't like it, don't ever wanna do it again in this or any other lifetime.

That's why I truly understand when a booklet author who is "white knuckling" it expects fast results within a month from their web site, their social networking efforts, their bulk sales efforts, their traditional media efforts, and everything else they do to think a sprint will magically cure all ills. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. A sprint is the fastest route to burnout, frustration, and enhanced fear.

Yes, it is completely possible for some things to happen fast. The more likely thing is that it'll take time and focus. I know, that's not what you want to hear right now. I remember that part. However, keep reading.

I've seen several people become household names within a year or so. They came out of nowhere and utilized every promotional vehicle they could find, on a very consistent basis. They kept their name and their products out there, everywhere, no matter where or when you looked. I've personally done that over many more years, however, I can point to a handful of people who have done it within a year. They were relentless as they strategically made sure they became the "go-to person" for their area of expertise.
My guess is that some happily unexpected gifts came their way during that building phase.

Now, can you make a large-quantity booklet sale within a few weeks? Yes, it is literally possible. Is it likely? The odds are slim, though definitely possible. If you are one of those folks who is losing sleep about where the money will come from for your immediate living needs, do everything in your power, starting today, to reach the people who have the biggest checks to write. If nothing else, that gives you some relief and lets you tread water as you lay groundwork for that long-term marathon I mentioned.

Until next time,
Paulette - remembering all too well what it was like being broke and isn't doing that again

Follow me www.twitter.com/pauletteensign

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