Why Didn't I Think of That?
It happened this week. I was on the receiving end of an incredibly useful tip for something in my own life. It was such a simple idea, yet something that hadn't come to mind.
An interior designer bought some of my consulting time. I am not a designer or decorator, nor do I play one on TV. Before the clock officially started, I was lamenting about a recent purchase of a new comforter for my new bed. It was a different shade of purple (shocked by that, are you?) than what it was replacing, and I didn't know whether it really matched the old dusty rose bed ruffle I had or if it was just off a bit. Here I was, unhappily imagining myself shlepping a king size bed comforter around with me from store to store, attempting to match the color. The comforter was bought online and I didn't want the other colors the same place was offering. As I said, I am not a designer and this stuff is a bit of a stretch for me.
The designer quickly suggested I get some free-for-the-taking paint chips from a hardware or home store that sells paint, to determine the exact color of the comforter, and take the paint chips with me to go shopping.
This may seem an amazing grasp of the obvious to you. To me, it would have taken someone else's suggestion or somehow accidentally figuring this one out on my own who knows when. It has no bearing on my intelligence or other outstanding capabilities with which I've been gifted. I just didn't get the decorating and designing genes. To the designer, it was like rolling off a log, a case of "common sense."
Next time you find yourself undervaluing your expertise, remember that not everyone knows what you know, and write your booklet anyway!
Until next time,
Paulette - who can't wait to shop for more new bedding for the new bed!
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