Booklet Referrals
Are you a subscriber to my ezine? If not, go to now and subscribe to it. Not only is there a gift you'll get for subscribing, this issue that will be sent out on Monday night next week (March 31) is addressing the topic of referrals in the booklet business.
What is the best referral you ever gave anyone else for either a sales lead or a resource? Notice I asked about what you gave as the first question. That, of course, follows with "what is the best referral you've ever received in your booklet business?" No need to name specific names as much as the circumstance or industry, and maybe even how it happened.
Please post your comments here at this blog. It may inspire someone else to give a referral to someone that just hadn't previously been considered. Ya never know!
Until next time,
Paulette - who has both given and received many good referrals over the years
Labels: Promotion and Publicity, Sales